I've been thinking about getting a Playstation 3 specifically for Resident Evil 5, Tomb Raider 8, and Final Fantasy XIII, amongst other games as well. I also bought a HDTV recently and was disapointed to learn that wii only displays in 480p. I guess thats fair enough. I just saw the trailers for FFXIII, FFXIII versus, and Re5 and I really want a PS3 now. After seeing those trailers, it just puts the RE: umbrella chronicles and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers trailers to shame.
I bought a wii for zelda and when I heard announcements for a NiGHTs sequel and Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles. I'm not much of a nintendo fan as I once was when I owned the gameboy and the nintendo 64. I bought a gamecube, but never played any of the nintendo games. I bought one for the resident evil and sonic games.
The games I own for the and only games I like for the wii at the moment I could've bought for the gamecube such as Zelda: TP and RE4. Some of the upcoming games I want are TR: A which I can buy for the PS2. I'm not a big fan of the metroid, mario, super smash bros, and all the other classic nintendo games. However, I am willing to give them a try, but I still really want a PS3. I love the final fantasy games.
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