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I have the money, but, like:
a) I am a greedy bastard who wants everything but doesn't want to spend anything
b) my parents, they either won't let me, and if they do, they'll be disappointed with me and not honour my choice and then will make me feel bad everytime I attempt to play it. because they disagreed when I first got it, and then I apologized saying it was a bad idea to buy it in the first place when I sold it. D: BUT POKEMONZ!!!
ARGHhhhhhh sweat D:! I'd turn the fan on but then i get that cold sweat and that sucks even more..
anyway, thanks for reading, I look forward to your posts.
No, seriously. I'll be here, refreshing the page every 30 seconds checking if anyones replied yet, and when they do, I shall immediatley read and post a reply, and then keep refreshing. Yes.
Dude, I was feeling depressed about myself today, but you just made me feel a lot better. You shouldn't sit around and wait for your friend's actions, to decide what is best for you. I think you should read the text you wrote (I highlighted it yellow in case you needed accuracy), and think about how it sounds to strangers on the internet. It's pretty ridiculous, and makes you sound like a whining child. It's okay, we all do it at some point, but you really should just buy a DS Lite, and quit waiting to see what other people have to say about it.Â
Wow dude calm down a bit! Is that only the heat or are you getting a bit too excited for your own good? Good Ds games? Of course, there are! As for Pokemon Diamond/Pearl you should wait till the game releases on April. But what kind of games do you prefer? Adventures like Hotel Dusk: Room 215, Phoenix Wright and Trace Memory? Platform like New Super Mario Bros and Yoshi's Island DS? Multiplayer-oriented like Mario Kart and Bomberman? Or something else?Sweating because of this damned fever I have :( And, I don't know... I think Hotel Dusk might interest me, but, I'm more of a platformer.. I think... well I liked the original marios... bomberman on gameboy was fun.
I have the money, but, like:
a) I am a greedy bastard who wants everything but doesn't want to spend anything
b) my parents, they either won't let me, and if they do, they'll be disappointed with me and not honour my choice and then will make me feel bad everytime I attempt to play it. because they disagreed when I first got it, and then I apologized saying it was a bad idea to buy it in the first place when I sold it. D: BUT POKEMONZ!!!
ARGHhhhhhh sweat D:! I'd turn the fan on but then i get that cold sweat and that sucks even more..
anyway, thanks for reading, I look forward to your posts.
No, seriously. I'll be here, refreshing the page every 30 seconds checking if anyones replied yet, and when they do, I shall immediatley read and post a reply, and then keep refreshing. Yes.
Dude, I was feeling depressed about myself today, but you just made me feel a lot better. You shouldn't sit around and wait for your friend's actions, to decide what is best for you. I think you should read the text you wrote (I highlighted it yellow in case you needed accuracy), and think about how it sounds to strangers on the internet. It's pretty ridiculous, and makes you sound like a whining child. It's okay, we all do it at some point, but you really should just buy a DS Lite, and quit waiting to see what other people have to say about it.
Again, sweating because of my fever. And, why do I need to write in a more vague and fake way if it's the internet? I'm just being honest, I'm not trying (nor need) to impress anyone here on teh netz.LMAO nice text layout. :lol: The DS is great - I don't know what on earth could've made you sell it. It's more of a single-player opt anyway, so who cares if your friends didn't have one? Get another one with New Super Mario Bros and Star Fox Command.mariomaniac92Ew star fox command. I saw a few screenshots and they looked bad. I know not to judge a game from the pics but it doesn't look like my type of game at all. But um, I don't know, I dug like 10 rows of 10 holes in animal crossing, to get a farm thing going on, AND THEN THE HOLES STARTED DISAPPEARING BEFORE I COULD PLANT SEEDS!!! So that made me ragequit animal crossing. And.. I don't know, at the time I was mainly in front of my pc 100% or at the cinema with friends where I wouldn't want a ds lite because I'd be having fun with friends instead etc (would've been diff if they had them too though). But now I've moved and I see myself going on trains a LOT, but I'm also unsure of using it on the trains because of thievery! Mugging! Undesired lack of attatchment to product! I live in Auckland, New Zealand, and, yeah South East, and I see myself taking trains to central and west, but I'm scared gAnGzTaZ will come and take it from me, or stalk me away from the train until I'm alone and then mug me :( halp what should I do
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