Well, now that I have had my Wii for almost 2 whole weeks, I am learning a bit about games, etc. but now have another related question :). It seems like older cube games are being released in Wii format (Pikmin, MarioKart, etc or Ocarina of Time on VC). I wouldn't mind waiting for a Wii version of Zelda Windwaker if it ever will be done. Is there a way to find out if Nintendo will be doing this one for Wii? I tried researching the answer but am confused by this type of thing (we have never had a video game system). I don't want to start getting Gamecube games just for the Wii if I can get them in an eventual Wii verson. Again, TIA!
Some Gamecube games will get an adaptation to the wii. These games are almost exactly the same, but with wii controls for the whole game. There are 3 games available now: Pikmin, Mario Power Tennis and Donkey Knog Jungle Beat. Nintendo will release Pikmin 2 with new play control and the two gamecube Metroid Prime Games.Now, Mario Kart Wii is NOT a new play control game. It's a complete new game of the mario kart series made for the wii. if you connect the wii to the internet, you can download games from the wii shop channel. These include original games made for the wii (which are called wiiware games) and the "virtual console" games which are games from Nintendo past systems that you can download for less than $10, for all the gamers who couldn't play these classics. Ocarina of Time is a virtual console game, not a New Play Control! game. Nintendo will NOT release a new play control game for ocarina or wind waker. So I really recomend to get Wind Waker for gamecube.
Punch Out!! for Wii: This one is not a vitual console game and it's not a new play control! game. You can find the first two punch out game for downlaoding on the virtual console. The punch out for wii is a complete new game of the punch out series, sort of a remake of the original game that was released on the "nintendo entertaning system" (and that you can find it now on the virtual console for $5).
Extra info:
- VC = virtual console
- NPC! = new play control! series
- OoT = The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- WW = The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
- NES = Nintendo Entertainment System. (the first nintendo console).
- SNES = Super Nintendo Entertainment System
- N64 = Nintendo 64
- GCN = Nintendo GameCube
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