What are your top 10/15virtual console games, ive had the wii since launch and just now got off my butt and called nintendo and they helped me hook it up to the internet, soo im interested in buying some vc games but there are just soo many i cant choose on my own so what are some of your favs??(except for mario kart and mario 64 i already have them for n64)
Super Mario Bros 1 Super Mario Bros Lost Levels Super Mario World Paper Mario Zelda: A Link to the Past Super Metroid Dynamite Headdy Soldier Blade Sin & Punishment Zelda: Ocarina of Time
1. paper mario 2. star fox 64 3. streets of rage 2 4. super mario bros. 5 sonic 2 6. sonic 3 7. bomberman 93 8. streets of rage 3 9 streets of rage 10 ristar
Please don't put your title in all caps. It's considered disruptive.
Also, check the game recommendation thread or the ultimate virtual console thread (linked to in the "read before posting" sticky). Blanket "what game should I get" threads aren't allowed.
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