[QUOTE="isthisnametakn"] Â
Yea... ignorance. Why do you think I made this thread? To ask questions perhaps? Hell no! I just wanna bash Nintendo because that's the kind of arrogant a$$hole I am! Jesus man, use that one good synaps that you do have and you could tell by context that I am well aware of my lack of knowledge!
So stop and read the post before you label me some anti Nintendo fanboy!
lol that's not what a synapse does... (you should've just said brain cell... or nueron) anyhow...
 I agree with the topic starter about this being an open discussion/question and answer type of thread... WHAT I'd like to add on however (on a completely different matter, or rather this current matter) is that as stated earlier, the wii has yet to have a game BUILT with it's engine, and another thing is, You have the system so enjoy it... quit acting like "technical pansies" about whose got which highest RAM and crap like that, you all need to grow up, someone else on these forums once said that a true gamer doesn't judge the system he judges the games... that person was me.... lol none the less it's a true statement that you should follow... sure he used bad examples for graphical comparrison, and Red steel's creators (microsoft and crap) said themselves that, that game was meant to be a test drive to see how the consumer (you) respond to the controlls... right now, it's WAY to early to decide the wiis true graphical power, allthough I must say that one picutre of mario galaxy was pretty impressive (the earth thing was anyhow) how about we all come back to this topic after Brawl comes out... that way we'll have a good idea where the wii is headed, and where it can go
Synapses are neurological cells that send electrical pulses the central nervous system. The brain then interprates them as smell, noise, sight, etc. The point, moron, is that you don't have to two synapses to rub together to tell your pea-sized brain what an idiot you are.
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