Final Fantasy 3
The characters all looked exactly like one another, and were devoid of any personality or emotion. Horrendous storyline and extremely poor pace, graphically it was very disappointing too.
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
They took the worst elements of Windwaker and exacerbated them; more sailing (sigh), more treasure fishing (sigh), and then there's the Temple of Time. Nothing says fun more than mundane repetition...
Dragon Quest 4: Chapters of the Chosen
As a huge Dragon Warrior fan, I've been looking forward to this for a long time, but with Square-Enix's insistence of altering the dialogue to a level of butchery, I'm disappointed. "Zis iz impozzible!" give it a rest square-enix, you've become like george lucas...
Castlevania: Portait of Ruin
The idea of swapping between two different characters much like the style of Resident Evil Zero was a super cool idea, however the friendly a-i hindered what should have been the best Castlevania since Symphony of the Night...unfortunately it was far from it.
Final Fantasy 4
The few videos this game does have gives characters very inappropriately child-like voices. Also the characters have very skinny legs, which is strange as far as I'm concerned.
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