The art style really put me off at first. I didn't really care for the WW/TP mix. Just seemed really odd. However, now that I've gotten used to the style, and have seen some more videos, I'm actually starting to love the graphics. They just seem to give the game a unique kind of personality, which should help to pull me into the game. I do think that it still needs some polish though, but given enough polish, I think this could become my favorite art style for a Zelda game.
I was very concerned with the problems they had durring the conference, and wasn't really convinced that it was due to "interferance" like they said. However, now that I've read a few impressions, and more importantly, seen a video demonstration of the controls, I'm very happy with how they seem to work. While controls alone shouldn't sell this game, good controls could help an otherwise great game become even better, and from what I've seen, these controls could do just that.
The aspect of the game that I'm most iffy about, mainly because we don't know much about the bigger picture. All we've seen is a very basic demonstration durring the conference, a brief trailer, and videos of the E3 demo. Granted, that gives us some idea of what the game is like, but only a small taste. We don't know what sets this game apart in terms of gameplay outside of the controls (like I said, they may help make the game better, but they can't sell the game) or anything like that. From what little we have seen, just with the graphics and controls, I was kind of disappointed at first, but warmed up to it later on.I was disappointed due to the fact that it seemed so similar to what we've seen before, with only minor differences like the whip, and other new items. That being said, once I got into it, I started thinking about the subtle differences, and got more excited. Even though I've never beat it, or even got too far into it, even I know that Majora's Mask proves how different a Zeldagame can be from a game that has the same basic gameplay. And that's where the bigger picture comes in, and I'll reserve judgement until I see more about that.
This game has really grown on me. I can't say I'm completely convinced, because I need to see more of the bigger picture, but I'm much more satisfied with what I've seen at E3 than I was with the innitial reactions.
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