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im not sure wat it will be about but heres a few thing to think about:
1.will link be adult or child
2.will tehy use the cartoonish link(e.g. wind waker, phantom hour glass) or the professional look fina fantasy look link(e.g. twilight princess).
Cartoony should stay on handhelds and the "professional" look should stay on consoles.
Story: The story should actually connect some loose/missing things in the zelda plot. Like a prequil to Majora's mask would be cool. It would be a Link before the main series (like they did with minish cap except 3der) that would have to like deal with demons lead by majora. Or they could make a game with the backstory of twilight princess from that cinematic (out of control evil twili with evil spirit links.) If they are going to rehash Ganondorf though they should make him look more renegadeish. Think of it like how he looked right before he went all dragon ball z and transformed into ganon in ocarina of time. Ganondorf just looked a lot younger, and cooler with the long pony tail hair. A direct Ocarina of Time sequil in the Adult Link plot set right after he escapes from the spirit relam. Also it would be cool if he wasn't the main villian but ended up being dominated by a more powerful villian like a true dark link. He could either become a servant of him by force or if he played a roll as the "ally of link with his own agenda" it could make for a good plot.
Gameplay: Make the controls so that I can't kill virtually all of the enemies by flailing the wii-remote wildly. The controls made the last game to easy. Try to get sword swipes more motion spefic and demanding if your going to do them off the wiiremote. Also have varrying enemies in the general game, TP had way to much of those bandits who were honestly kind of pathetic. Link should be ninja'ed out in his weapons. Ball and Chain was cool concept but the ball should be like a smallblade at the endor something that Link can whip around at enemies or even use as a grapple. A spinner like item would need more common useage (really disapointed they did not have big spinner mini-games, that would have been awsome). Also Link needs to get an axe. Other then that just follow the Zelda forumala mostly but they might want to experiment with adding some stuff, like actually having a big battle between soldiers and evil zedla demons and putting link in the middle.
Just some ideas.
It'll be about Link, waking up to find out he ie the hero, and defeating ganon who is trying to take over the world, but never shows his face until the end battle and really has no connection to the storyline until the last fight.
During this quest, you will get a master sword ans weapons. That is how the game will be.
1) Large scale battles- I'm tired of just going up against 6 enemies at the most. I want epic large scale bloodfests with thousands of guys on my side and thousands on the other side.
That would be very cool, I could see it happening someday.2) Optional dungeons and secret spots- Sort of like oblivion where you can just stumble across something really cool. Also, i want some optional weapons and armor. Things that will help you through the game but are not required.
Majora's Mask did something like that. Fierce Diety Mask and the different sword upgrades (There were 4 different swords I believe, none of which was the Master Sword)3) More character interaction- I want the NPCs to actually have more to say than just a few lines. I want a character to have depth and character.
Once again, Majora's Mask did this. It had great character interaction, immersive sidequests, and you were actually able to relate to the other characters.4) Voice acting- self explanatory. NO VOICE FOR LINK! he needs to be quiet but everyone else needs to talk.
Worked well for Metroid Prime 3, I don't see why it wouldn't work for Zelda.5) RPG elements- I'm talking about upgradeable things like upgrading Link's strength, agility, different swordplay ****, and things of that nature
They already have health and magic upgrades, and Twilight Princess introduced different sword techniques. I could see them adding more RPG elements, but nothing too bland please. Please not the traditional Strength, Agility and Intellect, those have been used so much!6) A better story- We've essentially been playing the same story for about 20 years and its a little stale at this point. Have link go through some darker stuff. Maybe have him have some morality troubles and some tough decisions to make. It's cool to have Ganondorf still, but at least make him different.
Majora's Mask again lol. You were quite involved with many of the NPC's dilemnas and the story was completely different. Rather than going to the castle and saving the princess, you were to save a town of innocent people that you have learned to love from a menacing danger (Giant moon with the angry face about to crush the world). Rather than Ganondorf trying to take over the world, The skullkid was trying to destroy the world and make them feel his anguish and his loneliness.7) Harder Difficulty- I want the game to be harder, but not overbearing. TP was a little on the easy side. Maybe up the difficulty one or two notches (especially in the boss battles)
I don't think it is the games that are becoming easier, but the players are adapting to the game difficulty. I think if we played Twilight Princess at the same age we played Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask that we would find it equally difficult (Although Majora's Mask was a very hard game)Thats about it... there's probably more, but i just can't think of it now. All of this in a zelda game would make it the best zelda game ever IMO. :D
Have you caught on yet that I think Majora's Mask is the closest attempt that Nintendo has made to your idea? If they combine all of their current Zelda elements from other games (Or at least most of them) Then we could have this perfect Zelda game. I think what the story needs is more than one villain. Sure you have the big bad villain like ganondorf trying to take over the world, but why can't we have some anti-heroes or side villains doing their own things and making their own messes, or who have their own agendas with the big kahuna, the lord of evil?Kuhu
The only thing that i didn't like about Majora's Mask was the three days thing. It was kind of disorienting. But i agree with you wholeheartedly. Zelda games need some more life in them. If they could make a Twilight Princess-Majora's Mask hybrid with some new ideas, then they'd really hit the nail on the head.
[QUOTE="Kuhu"]1) Large scale battles- I'm tired of just going up against 6 enemies at the most. I want epic large scale bloodfests with thousands of guys on my side and thousands on the other side.
That would be very cool, I could see it happening someday.2) Optional dungeons and secret spots- Sort of like oblivion where you can just stumble across something really cool. Also, i want some optional weapons and armor. Things that will help you through the game but are not required.
Majora's Mask did something like that. Fierce Diety Mask and the different sword upgrades (There were 4 different swords I believe, none of which was the Master Sword)3) More character interaction- I want the NPCs to actually have more to say than just a few lines. I want a character to have depth and character.
Once again, Majora's Mask did this. It had great character interaction, immersive sidequests, and you were actually able to relate to the other characters.4) Voice acting- self explanatory. NO VOICE FOR LINK! he needs to be quiet but everyone else needs to talk.
Worked well for Metroid Prime 3, I don't see why it wouldn't work for Zelda.5) RPG elements- I'm talking about upgradeable things like upgrading Link's strength, agility, different swordplay ****, and things of that nature
They already have health and magic upgrades, and Twilight Princess introduced different sword techniques. I could see them adding more RPG elements, but nothing too bland please. Please not the traditional Strength, Agility and Intellect, those have been used so much!6) A better story- We've essentially been playing the same story for about 20 years and its a little stale at this point. Have link go through some darker stuff. Maybe have him have some morality troubles and some tough decisions to make. It's cool to have Ganondorf still, but at least make him different.
Majora's Mask again lol. You were quite involved with many of the NPC's dilemnas and the story was completely different. Rather than going to the castle and saving the princess, you were to save a town of innocent people that you have learned to love from a menacing danger (Giant moon with the angry face about to crush the world). Rather than Ganondorf trying to take over the world, The skullkid was trying to destroy the world and make them feel his anguish and his loneliness.7) Harder Difficulty- I want the game to be harder, but not overbearing. TP was a little on the easy side. Maybe up the difficulty one or two notches (especially in the boss battles)
I don't think it is the games that are becoming easier, but the players are adapting to the game difficulty. I think if we played Twilight Princess at the same age we played Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask that we would find it equally difficult (Although Majora's Mask was a very hard game)Thats about it... there's probably more, but i just can't think of it now. All of this in a zelda game would make it the best zelda game ever IMO. :D
Have you caught on yet that I think Majora's Mask is the closest attempt that Nintendo has made to your idea? If they combine all of their current Zelda elements from other games (Or at least most of them) Then we could have this perfect Zelda game. I think what the story needs is more than one villain. Sure you have the big bad villain like ganondorf trying to take over the world, but why can't we have some anti-heroes or side villains doing their own things and making their own messes, or who have their own agendas with the big kahuna, the lord of evil?Mr_Krinkle9210
The only thing that i didn't like about Majora's Mask was the three days thing. It was kind of disorienting. But i agree with you wholeheartedly. Zelda games need some more life in them. If they could make a Twilight Princess-Majora's Mask hybrid with some new ideas, then they'd really hit the nail on the head.
I liked the time thing mostly because I could go back and do temples or fight bosses again without having to start a new file or have a billion save files.
Ok, so i've read through a bunch of posts, and these are things we pretty much all agree on:
I've been thinking about what the next one will be for a long time now and i've narrowed down what i want.
1) Large scale battles- I'm tired of just going up against 6 enemies at the most. I want epic large scale bloodfests with thousands of guys on my side and thousands on the other side.
2) Optional dungeons and secret spots- Sort of like oblivion where you can just stumble across something really cool. Also, i want some optional weapons and armor. Things that will help you through the game but are not required.
3) More character interaction- I want the NPCs to actually have more to say than just a few lines. I want a character to have depth and character.
4) Voice acting- self explanatory. NO VOICE FOR LINK! he needs to be quiet but everyone else needs to talk.
5) RPG elements- I'm talking about upgradeable things like upgrading Link's strength, agility, different swordplay styles, and things of that nature
6) A better story- We've essentially been playing the same story for about 20 years and its a little stale at this point. Have link go through some darker stuff. Maybe have him have some morality troubles and some tough decisions to make. It's cool to have Ganondorf still, but at least make him different.
7) Harder Difficulty- I want the game to be harder, but not overbearing. TP was a little on the easy side. Maybe up the difficulty one or two notches (especially in the boss battles)
Thats about it... there's probably more, but i just can't think of it now. All of this in a zelda game would make it the best zelda game ever IMO. :D
dude you are like my soulmate, that's exactly what i want
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