Well first off to make it clear I consider myself to be one of the planets largest Metroid freaks lol. Samus is my video gaming life's blood, so you bet I had a pretty strong reaction ;)
After sitting through Nintendo's admittedly pitiful press conference I knew thanks to Reggie that this was their megaton trailer. Of course I didn't know what it was going to be. I saw this woman, in a space setting. "A storied Nintendo franchise" but what the heck was this? After the captain asked "any objections Lady?" it was in a matter of about 1.5 seconds staring at the blonde girl's face in reaction at the moment we see her in the zero suit. "Ohmygod...Samus!" At that moment I completely flipped out lol! It was like a repeat of the Twilight Princess reaction in '04 (which I attended btw ;D ) Watching the glory of all this new 3rd person Samus action, which I've been wanting 3rd person since the conlusion of the Prime trilogy, was just overload. I was jumping and hooting like a little kid...and I turn 29 next month!
How amazing this new Metroid looks coupled with being SO disappointed with Nintendo's showing up until that point was just awesome. I had my fanboy moment of this E3 and it was great!
What was it like for you given that this was Nintendo's big annoucement and throwback to us loyaltists. From Metroid fans and non-fans alike, how did you react?
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