How will you all spend the next 3 and a half months as we eagerly await our Holiday breaks (School has been going for almost 2 weeks now, seems about right to start looking forward to vacation!)? I made up a little Gameplay Schedule, to show just how dificult and stressful the Wii Gamer's life will be coming up soon. Better add Sparknotes to your favorites and put those math formulas on your TI-83, you aren't gonna have time to study!
My Wii time shall be spent on:
9/13 => 10/27
Definitely a dry spell for our Beloved Wii. My Checklist (Of older stuff):
-Beat Paper Mario on VC
-Finish Metroid Prime 3
-Finally go back and finish Zelda, since I'm a nub and didn't.
What a day! Online Guitar Hero 3 with over 70 songs? Talk about weeks of fun!
-Obtain and play the hell out of Guitar Hero 3. Shove Guitar down throats of friends via Online play.
Interrupting the weeks of fun of GH3 is Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Not a AAA title, but one of my favorite game series. A very strenues period, as Guitar Hero skills must not be allowed to falter.
-Find time to play FE: RD without allowing friends to surpass me in GH:3.
Oh no, not another must-have so soon? Open up those schedules and let that schoolwork slide, its Galaxy.
-Allow human contact, movement and eating to slide off my daily timetable, allowing more hours in the day to Juggle GH3, Fire Emblem, and Galaxy.
Alright, two thirds of a month have gone by since Galaxy. It came out. It rocked. Gamespot reviewed it. We whined. We finally got around to playing it after 2 weeks of whining about the review and not playing. What now? Hmmm...
-Lay purchastance to, and allot playtimeness to, Super Smash Bros: Brawl. Guitar Hero 3 skills must be kept up to date in case of Friends' challenges, but Smash skills but be kept up as well. Losing at either game is ground for committing Sepuku, which probably hurts.
Well anyway thats MY Wii Gamepay Schedule. Isn't life busy? How will I find the time!
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