I remember my friend saying that it was going to be a limitied release, i.e. they will sell it then stop pretty fast. Becuase who in the US would buy such a weird game =P. So you'll have to go used, and more expensive than other games. Check eBay & half.com for a few prices.
Your best bet would be to call the walmarts targets etc. You may be surprised to find it on the shelves at those stores. I have seen a copy in the wild for months at walmart. When it was brand new only a few online stores had it. Perhaps Nintendo will reprint it. You could also call the Nintendo World Store.
I can't find this game anywhere and I really want it! Does anybody have any idea where I can find it without spending an obscene amount of money?pop_tawt_land
You can get Japanese version of Electroplankton (w/ Headphone) from Play-Asia.com for US$ 48.90. They have the game in stock.
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