Click the link above you havn't checked outthe recent Star Wars pitch for PS3/360 and supposedly PS2. Then add your gripes or comments to your heart's content.
Here's what I have to ask: Granted the Wii doesn't have the graphical power nor the base hardware to compete with the PS3/360 version of this exact game. It just would not look anything like what comes out on these platforms. HOWEVER, given what the Wii CAN offer with it's remote system I would ask doesn't it make sense that a Star Wars game allowing you to control the force and the good ol' lightsaber would make better use out of the Wii controllers than the standard fare that sony and microsoft stand by? Think about it: Wii remote motion controls the saber at default, press down a button and it unleashes the force which is then directed by the remote motion as long as it is depressed, hold another button for auto defense/blaster deflection, nunchuk for x/y movement; it just seems to me that the Wii is screaming USE ME for a Jedi based game. I'm not even the biggest Star Wars fan, though I admit toenjoying the movies and KOTOR when it came out. I'm hoping it's just a matter of time but still, why the heck develop for the PS2 and not the Wii? It just doesn't add up given the popularity and potential the Wii is sporting.
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