Ya know, I'm sick of people knocking the Wii saying it's for little kids. I own all three systems, and can tell you that I get just as much "adult entertainment" from my Wii as I do my PS3 or 360. Granted, the games I own for the Wii are all less violent, that doesnt mean it's for kids. Take Mario Galaxy for example. Sure, it's bright, bubbly, and wholesome, but adults can enjoy it too. It's not dumbed-down platformer for kids, it's just a really great platformer. Does it need violence to be for adults? Mario isnt teaching the ABC's, he's trying to save a freaking princess.
Just because Nintendo is kid freindly doesnt mean it's for kids only. What games were you playing growing up? Most people will recall the likes of Mario or Metriod. Do you really think a 7 year old needs to be playing Grand Theft Auto for video game entertainment, or classic, wholesome Mario that alot of us 20+ year old gamers grew up on? Bottom line, kids need Mario just as much as adults need Call of Duty 4. But like I said, just because Nintendo is kid freindly doesnt mean it's for kids only. Not to mention, there are quite a mature titles on the Wii anyway, like RE:UC or NMH.
Alright, so what if the Wii doesnt have the most powerhouse graphics of any system? Who cares? Last gen graphics are still great to look at. Who would go back and play any of the GTA franchises from last gen and claim it makes their eyes hurt? The Wii has great graphics, it's the 3rd party devs who choose not to utilize 'em and end up rushing a crap game that make crap graphics. I'm over the graphics thing anyway, granted, I'm still trying to pick my tongue off the floor from Uncharted Drake's Fortune, but at the same time, I'm enjoying my very first Zelda experince since the NES days just as much, without powerhouse graphics. It just drives me crazy that people want to call the Wii a fad, a weak system, a kiddy system. It's a great system, the nunchuck and Wiimote are sleek, the Wii itsself is sleek. Maybe if the entire system was black it would be taken more serious by hardcore gamers... ? I dunno, but to me the Wii isnt just cute, it's simply bad a$$.
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