All the hyped up and highly reviewed DS games are made or publish by Nintendo. Don't 3rd-parties know that the DS is a cash-cow. It'll probably end up selling more systems than any of the consoles. Plus it's cheap to make for the DS, so that'll mean more profits for game companies.
As with everything; it's about supply & demand. Everything thrown out there gets off the shelves, so the developers can release whatever crap as is. Solution: Don't buy the crap games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a butt load of kick ass games arent nintendo made o-o... imo 3rd partys are doing not to shaby job on the DS...something they never didn on the Cube -.-lll
You obviously aren't looking hard enough there are tons of great third party games on the DS. Castelvania Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin, Meteos, Gunpey, Trauma Center many others as well.
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