You've probably noticed this, especially in System Wars Forums, so why do you think their are more Wii haters than Wii lovers on Gamespot?
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Oh come on Jason. You say that like all your crazy opinions that support it are well-known facts. Please rephrase and try not to start another Jaysonguy war.It has a lot of Wii realists
People who understand the strengths and weaknesses of the console and want games designed for it
Too many people do not know they purchased a Wii, that's the only answer I come up with why people ask for outlandish game designs the Wii cannot handle.
[QUOTE="Jaysonguy"]Oh come on Jason. You say that like all your crazy opinions that support it are well-known facts. Please rephrase and try not to start another Jaysonguy war.It has a lot of Wii realists
People who understand the strengths and weaknesses of the console and want games designed for it
Too many people do not know they purchased a Wii, that's the only answer I come up with why people ask for outlandish game designs the Wii cannot handle.
They are well known facts
There's a huge chunk of users that understand what the Wii is and want it used that way
There's another half that doesn't understand which cable they need to buy so they can have 5.1 sound.
I agree with what you said there but if you've ever looked at the system wars board, you'd understand what the TC is talking about.It has a lot of Wii realists
People who understand the strengths and weaknesses of the console and want games designed for it
Too many people do not know they purchased a Wii, that's the only answer I come up with why people ask for outlandish game designs the Wii cannot handle.
Going to the System Wars forum was your first mistake. :PYou've probably noticed this, especially in System Wars Forums, so why do you think their are more Wii haters than Wii lovers on Gamespot?
The Wii is easy to hate on because it's a new and different idea. And even those who love the Wii can find a problem with it or with Nintendo itself or with third-parties.
I'd suggest not worrying too much about who hates it or loves it, and just focus on what they're saying. Someone who criticizes the Wii doesn't necessarily hate it, and someone who praises the Wii doesn't necessarily love it. Reasonable points can be made for and against it.
Who cares what other people think! All that matters is if you like the Wii and Say to them, "SHUT THE **** UP!!!!" so there :PYou've probably noticed this, especially in System Wars Forums, so why do you think their are more Wii haters than Wii lovers on Gamespot?
Going to the System Wars forum was your first mistake. :P[QUOTE="Brawl578"]
You've probably noticed this, especially in System Wars Forums, so why do you think their are more Wii haters than Wii lovers on Gamespot?
The Wii is easy to hate on because it's a new and different idea. And even those who love the Wii can find a problem with it or with Nintendo itself or with third-parties.
I'd suggest not worrying too much about who hates it or loves it, and just focus on what they're saying. Someone who criticizes the Wii doesn't necessarily hate it, and someone who praises the Wii doesn't necessarily love it. Reasonable points can be made for and against it.
Joining Gamespot was a mistake:roll:
Who cares what other people think! All that matters is if you like the Wii and Say to them, "SHUT THE **** UP!!!!" so there :P[QUOTE="Brawl578"]
You've probably noticed this, especially in System Wars Forums, so why do you think their are more Wii haters than Wii lovers on Gamespot?
I wish that would work, but unfortunately, it just starts more pointless arguements.
I'm not one of these Wii haters, I'm a Nintendo lover. 8) I make love to Cammie Dunaway every other weekend! :P jk
While some people are actually intelligent in their "system war" conversation, lots of people just say things to try to get a rise out of someone. It doesn't bother me in the least. I'm a proud Wii owner.
While some people are actually intelligent in their "system war" conversation, lots of people just say things to try to get a rise out of someone. It doesn't bother me in the least. I'm a proud Wii owner.
Believe me, I just wish I could ignore them, but I'm one of those "sensitive" people, so I kinda get a little steamed, even over consoles(pathetic, right?)
They even claimed that Wii is killing gaming, which ironically it's the elitist unrealistic demand of gaming that's costing the financial trouble of video game developers. Zaistev_basicDisagreed, I believe it's the developers mistaken idea that gamers HAVE an elitist unrealistic demand for their games that cause them to spend ludicrous amounts of time and money developing them. I'm perfectly satisfied with a Katamari game, or Braid, or anything original.
While some people are actually intelligent in their "system war" conversation, lots of people just say things to try to get a rise out of someone. It doesn't bother me in the least. I'm a proud Wii owner.
Believe me, I just wish I could ignore them, but I'm one of those "sensitive" people, so I kinda get a little steamed, even over consoles(pathetic, right?)
you're not supposed to take SW seriously. it's all for the lulz >_> Believe it or not, you'll get over it. I did a long time ago.I would like to help with your question. I believe that mast players on this great website are more into killing and violence as i am myself but i also like ridiculous and crazy minigames. As with my opinion states the fact that the wii remote is hard for playing a call of duty game. Thank you for reading-dwemerlord13dwemerlord13
Amen brother
It's nice to have diversity
Most of them are fanboys that are just jealous that Wii is out selling their X360 or PS3. The remark abt Wii killing gaming is pretty much elitism ...those that you know *hardcore* & they mostly are just graphic whores..even if gameplay is crap they'd still say oh look @ the graphics.
How can Wii kill gaming when it brings grandpas, grandmas, dads & mums to play game?
I don't think Gamespot has alot of Wii hater..just the minority makes the loudest noise ...what's that abt an empty hull makes the loudest noise?
There's alot of ppl on Gamespot with 2 or 3 consoles as well :)
They think it's for childern and they consider themselves the "real" gamers. I've never understood how people who are the "elites" can hate a system for thinking outside the box. I've liked all systems throughout the years and many different kinds of games. The wii offers a nice variety of unusual games that are a relief to me at least. Also the usual not enough violence arguement that they use. Apparently anything without heads rolling around and blood gushing onto every wall just isn't worth playing.
Though it is just their opinion they can hate it all they want and i don't care i'll just play all the great games it offers.
You've probably noticed this, especially in System Wars Forums, so why do you think their are more Wii haters than Wii lovers on Gamespot?
Going to the System Wars forum was your first mistake. :PThe Wii is easy to hate on because it's a new and different idea. And even those who love the Wii can find a problem with it or with Nintendo itself or with third-parties.
I'd suggest not worrying too much about who hates it or loves it, and just focus on what they're saying. Someone who criticizes the Wii doesn't necessarily hate it, and someone who praises the Wii doesn't necessarily love it. Reasonable points can be made for and against it.
I think this says it best. I've gone from absolutely loving it, to hating it, to realizing that it has it's strengths and weaknesses. Heck one of my favorite games this gen is on the Wii and that game couldn't have been done on any other system. I'm glad I have a Wii. I'm also glad I got another system to go along with it.As with my opinion states the fact that the wii remote is hard for playing a call of duty game. dwemerlord13I hope you are referring to COD3 and not WAW. I believe that the Wii Remote is the ultimate controller for FPS games, even surpassing that of the mouse and keyboard. It is also superior in terms of other games as well. Beat'em ups (Madworld), Platformers (Galaxy), Adventure games (Zelda), Action (No More Heroes), etc. all made better with Nintendo's controller. Only problem with the controller is that now dev. are making lame on-rails shooters, something that no one wants.
Because this is GameSpot .. and it lacks a team of editors dedicated to Nintendo's system like IGN :PYou've probably noticed this, especially in System Wars Forums, so why do you think their are more Wii haters than Wii lovers on Gamespot?
Not really sure about this one. As a long time gamer (I still have a 2600), I wasn't planning on buying a current gen console. Then the Wii was released and I pretty much had to buy one because of the controllers. I really like them and can't wait to see what the plus addition offers. For me the question is what do Xbox and PS3 offer in terms of gameplay that I don't have on my Dreamcast, much less my PC. Pretty sure the answer on that is nothing. Sure, the graphics on the newer systems are superior, but that doesn't matter is much as the gameplay. The Wii does things my DC and computer cannot.
I believe that the Wii Remote is the ultimate controller for FPS games, even surpassing that of the mouse and keyboard.JimmyJames210it's definitely better than the other consoles controller, but i wouldn't say that it surpasses the kb/m.
I'm glad that the wii is a family friendly system. People here forget to realize that kids like to play video games too, and a lot of younger ones probably should not be playing games like GTA, Halo, Gears of War, Killzone, etc. I'm glad that there is a system that can get kids involved in gaming, just as snes did for me and a lot of my friends growing up.
A lot of people enjoy gimmicky games. People say that the Wii is a gimmick but it's beating the 360 and the PS3 in sales (which is a goal for all businesses). Gimmicks can be good, every gimmick is not necessarily a bad thing.Because it puts nothing new on the table and it's gimmicky.
it's definitely better than the other consoles controller, but i wouldn't say that it surpasses the kb/m. I have used a keyboard and mouse before playing Half Life, at the time, I thought it was the ultimate tool for FPS's. After a year or so with my Wii, trying to go to the keyboard and mouse, not as awkward as the analog stick, still just a little awkward.[QUOTE="JimmyJames210"] I believe that the Wii Remote is the ultimate controller for FPS games, even surpassing that of the mouse and keyboard.themagicbum9720
[QUOTE="Jfisch93"]A lot of people enjoy gimmicky games. People say that the Wii is a gimmick but it's beating the 360 and the PS3 in sales (which is a goal for all businesses). Gimmicks can be good, every gimmick is not necessarily a bad thing.ps3 xbox 360 bring nothing new to the table the wii either can be called gimmicky or innovative but what is the line between gimmick and innovationBecause it puts nothing new on the table and it's gimmicky.
Everyone knows that a hater is always going to be more vocal than a supporter. It's the Internet, people love complaining. There are always going to be more people who will voice their negative opinion about something... sadly.
Since the Wii IS selling so well and selling to a wider audience, I'm guessing that the majority of the Wii lovers aren't hanging out in these forums reading nonsense about how people hate the Wii. I'm pretty sure that my little cousins or my aunts and uncles that play aren't going to come here and root for their system :P
Same reason dozens of youtube users spend hours on end commenting on people to play a real instrument on Guitar Hero videos: They don't have a life.You've probably noticed this, especially in System Wars Forums, so why do you think their are more Wii haters than Wii lovers on Gamespot?
I don't think it's that there are a lot of Wii haters. I think it's that there are a few very loud wii haters who found loop holes in the Terms of Service where they can say almost anything, but word it in such a way that they're not breaking the rules.
This goes for just about any hater, though.
Who cares what other people think! All that matters is if you like the Wii and Say to them, "SHUT THE **** UP!!!!" so there :P[QUOTE="Brawl578"]
You've probably noticed this, especially in System Wars Forums, so why do you think their are more Wii haters than Wii lovers on Gamespot?
This, who gives a crap what others think.
Well they aren't the only consumer for Wii thats why there are plenty of fanboys to squabble back at the Wii haters.Everyone knows that a hater is always going to be more vocal than a supporter. It's the Internet, people love complaining. There are always going to be more people who will voice their negative opinion about something... sadly.
Since the Wii IS selling so well and selling to a wider audience, I'm guessing that the majority of the Wii lovers aren't hanging out in these forums reading nonsense about how people hate the Wii. I'm pretty sure that my little cousins or my aunts and uncles that play aren't going to come here and root for their system :P
I know for a fact on SW at least that there are way more Wii haters. Even some of the mods are guilty of discrimination against it. I know it from first hand experience. I lost tons of points for saying a certain game was "trash". Then I noticed several posters saying that they thought "mario kart wii is trash" and absolutely nothing was done about those posts.
Moral of the story? You can call Wii games trash on SW with no repercussions what so ever but don't you dare call a Microsoft or Sony game trash or you'll lose a ton of points for it. Double standards ftl.
I think (if it is indeed true) that it is because although there are more Wiis in the world, the typical Wii owner is less likely to go onto a gaming website as compared to an XBOX or PS3 owner.
This can help explain why it doesn't have as many people defending it, but it doesn't quite go so far as to explain why there are so many haters.
To expand upon it, I'd say it's because 360 and PS3 owners are more likelyto enjoy different genres that either aren't present on the Wii, at least not in quality or quantity such asRPGs, FPS, online sports(I know there may be some exceptions, but the Wii shouldn't be comprised of exceptions, but rather of examples).
I also think that PS3 and 360 owners are more likely to enjoy more Mature-rated games as opposed to the normal Everyone- or Teen-rated games thatmake up the vast majority of Wii games. I know this personallyholds as I currently own (notincluding gamesprior tolast gen):16 Mature-,3 Teen-, and2 Everyone- rated games. Two of those Teen games I just bought, and looking at my 360 profile, out of the 10 games I've eithersold alreadyor rented,nine were Mature and only one was Teen. In fact, out of the three Wii games I currently own, two are rated M.
I know those are two of the big reasons why I'm not a fan.
For once we agree on something (*writes note on calendar*): some Wii owners must realise their console has a completely different market than the competition. I'm not a Wii hater and I still have hope for the Wii, but I'm sorely disappointed by how Nintendo is ignoring the core audience and veteran supporters like myself and many other seasoned gamers.It has a lot of Wii realists
People who understand the strengths and weaknesses of the console and want games designed for it
Too many people do not know they purchased a Wii, that's the only answer I come up with why people ask for outlandish game designs the Wii cannot handle.
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