As we all know, the Wiis library is full of immature shovelware such as the Petz games. We don't like this of course, and some devs take notice and decide to attempt a mature "hardcore" game. Now though many are succeeding on the "hardcore" front, many of them (in my opinion) failing miserably at making the games mature. Instead of making games with deep imaginative thoughts and realistic attributes, they give us games that though no doubt fun are the things a bunch of rebellious college kids would play. Do you really consider endless gore, cursing every other word, "Eye Candy", etc to be something that an actually mature and responsible individual would desire? Though they are no doubt enjoyable "hardcore" games, No More Heroes, Madworld, Animals De La Murte, etc are immature titles. Just wanted to get that off my chest.
Edit: Note that I never said these weren't awesome games. I just said they are not mature.
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