I know the Wii is getting more and more games..but with the Wii outselling the PS3 by a 4 to 1 margin, why aren't we seeing more BIG titles announced for the Wii? If this were 10 or more years ago, the PS3 would be considered "Dead on Arrival" just like the TurboGrafx-16, Jaguar, and 3DO. Are game developers "force feeding" top notch games to the PS3 in order to try and raise it's sales? I've seen PS3's still sitting on store shelves whereas the Wii is still incredibly hard to find. The money is where the sales are, and the Wii is selling like mad..so why all the effort put towards the PS3? Doesn't make sense. Thoughts??
Well in buisness you dont go with the immediate trend, you go by history. So they are still in the wait and see mode for the Wii and seeing if the PS3 can regain its footing. I assuming they do this because they probaly had all these plans for the great new Sony console and they dont want to have to strap them and come up with something new.
well before the launch, which was when the games for both started to be developed... the PS3 was the heavy favorite between the two. hence why some big games are going to be on the PS3. then there is the fact that if a game is developed for the PS3, and even when considering the difference for developing on the Cell compared to developing on XNA... its much easier to port a game from the PS3 to the Xbox 360 and PC than it is to the Wii. so compared to having a game possibly being made ans sold on the 12 million userbase of both the Xbox 360 and PS3 (not even including the PC) to having a game being released on a 4-5million userbase of the Wii... its easy to see which path is better to take right now. then there is the trend of only Nintendo games being successful on Nintendo hardware.
I remember in a gaming magazine (I thing Game Informer) there was a poll for what console was most desired. 92%-PS3 1%360 7%-Revolution or something like that. This was obviously before E306 and the 360's launch so the games coming out for the PS3 were probably just starting the development process around this time and there were probably many games being developed.
In spite of amazing sales Nintendo still has a underdog tag that is holding devs back. Not to mention the fact that there are so many graphic whores out there. I'm afraid the Gamecube reputation has hurt the Wii. Hopefully all that will change if sales really stay crisp.
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