Alright this has happened a few times since I bought the Conduit. The first time it happened I was playing the Conduit and I switched to my SCAR. Instead of having a SCAR I was holding an IMP Launcher (even though I didn't pick one up and it showed the SCAR icon). Then the game froze while making a very loud buzzing sound. I figured "wow that was a crazy glitch that must have crashed my wii" and thought nothing of it.
Since then it had happened a few more times while playing the Conduit, those times with no blatantly obvious glitch to indicate that it would start freezing, it just did. I figured it was just the Conduit or something until today when I got Overlord Dark Legend.
As I was shaking my minions to have them kamikaze, the game froze. No glitch to indicate it might do so. Then I was looking at my map in the game and it wouldn't display anything, just a blank page with the "you are here" icon. I closed my map and reopened it, boom frozen wii.
I tried standing my wii up, as it had been horizontal prior to freezing. That did nothing it froze again at another point. Now its back horizontal to prevent knockover and I don't know what to do really. These are 2 new games and neither have a scratch or something like that. Could it perhaps be because both games are rather graphics intensive on the poor console?
It doesn't happen often or rapidly. Once every few hours (I'd say maybe once every 2-5 hours) on days where the wii sees heavy play time.
Has anyone else had the issue? Could it just be that both games overload the system with their graphics? I haven't actually tested the theory but its never happened in the past. Is my wii broken? Do I need repairs (which would suck as my warranty is long gone)? Any info would be much appreciated.
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