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When you set the Wii for widescreen 16:9 it is still actually outputting 4:3 480p, it just squishes 16:9 into that shape. Right away you should have noticed the screen looked suddenly squished at 4:3 when widescreen was turned on.
All you need to do is set your HDTV to full mode to stretch the 4:3 image to fill the screen and it will look correct. Zelda even has that setup launch screen with the squares to help adjust your tv to be in the correct mode. They should have looked liked squished squares after turning on widescreen with ba suggestion to set your tv to a mode until it looks like normal squares.
yea i do notice that its different but it looks like crap. i was under the impression that the wii would actually output 16:9. Anyway thanks for the helpjustinblair2
Yeah, I was expecting real 16:9 too when I got progressive component cables and all the talk about it doing EDTV when it launched. At first I thought the 16:9 in a 4:3 shape was due to the original yellow composite cable being limited to normal 480i.
The wiii will output 16:9. Thing is not all widescreen tvs display 16:9 the same way often it is 16:8 or 16:10. Heck widescreen games of the past gen did the same thing people just didn't really notice it.
The wiii will output 16:9. Thing is not all widescreen tvs display 16:9 the same way often it is 16:8 or 16:10. Heck widescreen games of the past gen did the same thing people just didn't really notice it.
i can assure you that my set is 16:9 ratio, and i can also assure that my wii is not outputting in 16:9, its streching the picture as the previous poster has noted.
Not to be a pain in the keister but you went and put the Wii on widescreen right? It's not your TV trying to alter the image to fit?Jaysonguy
Read the original post, but just to save you the time. Yes i did
There must be something wrong with your TV or Wii then.
Most TVs have a setting that is Full or Widescreen.
And yes the wii outputs differently in widescreen. I don't understand why peopel dont' get this. Goto the wii menu in 4:3 and using a 4:3 aspect on your TV. the circle buttons are circles, the channels boxes are 4:3 and everythign is fine. Change to widescreen mode on wii and widescreen or full on TV, the circles are still circles, yet the channels are widescreened and eveyrhting fits, but yet no text deformation or shape distortion. Same with most of the games that support widescreen.
DVD players do thsi as well. Its not cheating or "not supporting widescreen" its just the way it is done. Its easy and it works. (or at least should)
Yes that's how it works, basically the wii leaves it up to your widescreen TV to stretch it out to look correct again, and not left in a squished 4:3 shape. But from my past experience with HDTVs and DVD players, setting the player for a 16:9 tv automatically goes to the correct shape in normal mode, I never had to do what I have to do with the Wii. Some DVDs have bars burnt into a 4:3 shape, but all I do to get around that is zoom.
My tv set is widescreen *sony XBR970*, i have the component cables, i have the wii set to 16:9. Yes the format does change shape. But according to my television it is not in 16:9. It still shows that the wii is outputting 4:3 at 480P, hence the reason that i can tell the wii is not outputing in 16:9. Back to the dvd analogy, if the dvd is masterd in widescreen my tv will show that it is displaying 16:9. Zelda is supposed to be 16:9 but the game is not being displayed in widescreen. I will call nintendo and get this matter resolved
Edit - Zelda is being displayed in widescreen, but the picture does not look correct it is stretched. The wii menu is also stretched, and this shouldnt be happening if the wii is actually outputting in widescreen.
Dumb Stuff I know:
1. Some TVs need to be set to a "Widscreen" or "Full" mode.
-Full mode should fill up the whole screen, while some Widescreen options stretch a 4:3 image to fit.
2. Make sure you haven't stretched out the picture in the settings ( my brother does this, and I know a few people who stretch the picture to fit their regular TV programming in widescreen ).
3. Some TVs do NOT automatically recognize Wide Screen. Some need to be on the Compnent/Input channel WITH component cables.
4. Set the Wii to widescreen.
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