wii developers have resorted to "waggle" controls for so long, i forgot anything else was possible. then i dusted off wario ware smooth moves yesterday and was reintroduced to the power of the gyroscope. the starfox minigame, the first person sword fighting game, the dance game, the balloon flyer game, the metriod game; so many ideas were introduced and so far only ir controls have prospered. wii sports, wario ware, metroid prime 3, and racing games are the only games i can think of with real motion controls.
so will the wii ever be what we hoped it would? tiger woods 09 seems like it may set developers on course. also, isn't there going to be a 1:1 starwars game, or was that just wishful thinking?
so what does everyone else think? have motion controls done well so far? what does the wii motes future look like? will the wii be remembered for inovative controls, or just different controls for racers and fps?
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