alot of ppl think that because the wii is essentially an overclocked GC, devs should already be very familiar with it and should have maxed it at launch. there is an element of truth to that but lets also remember that 1) the GC was a commercial disaster that had next to no 3rd party support in the end and 2) any dev that did work on it was more than likely getting a PS2 game working on the GC. they werent building new tech to take advantage of the GC really.
very very few devs actually built their games with the GC in mind and fewer still knew all the tricks. a small handful really. there were nintendo first and second party, factor 5, rare, capcom and silicon knights really. these guys built game just with the GC in mind. since the wii is basically an overlocked GC with more ram, devs are only now really getting down to the nitty gritty, and thats when there not making a PS2 port.
its going to be interesting to see what factor 5 can get out of it. they did some amazing things with the GC and they know the tech and hardware (i think they were even involved in some of the GCs development). if anyone can show what the wii can really do, its them.
if i was to hazard a guess of what the wii coudl do when pushed to the say half life 2 and med-high settings would eb about the limit.
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