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an 8.8 for loztp. yeah ok....... i wount miss him reviewing games. ill miss him for being funny
*takes a look at sig*
Yes, his firing was unjust. If jeff can get fired... whos to say nobody else will? And if Alex N. goes, I go.
Totally agree with you man, he was a great reviewer and a funny guy, and if Alex, Kevin, Aaron or Ryan goes, i'm outta here, BTW i'm with you about december 3.
What's really sad is that he has worked for this organization for over 10 years now. To see him just go even if people did like Kane & Lynch is just really sad.sdcazares1980
Yea I find it stupid that 1 of the sites oldest veterans is fired for such a dumb reason, as much as I've disagreed with him, I think that he deserved a worthy farewell to GS not some lame fring over a review.
I won't really miss his reviews, but I will miss him on On The Spot.
The guy had integrity to the end, that's good enough for me.
Will you miss Jeff (bearing in mind the infamous score of 8.8 for Zelda: TP for the Wii) ??
I know a lot of ninty fans and sony fans dont like this site because of what they call 'bias' towards xbox, but do you think the masses of ninty fans who left GS in Nov 2006 will come back now ??
Many of you don't even know that Jeff is the same guy that wrote the Ocarina of Time review and gave it a perfect score!
Also, upon further review, TP is worthy of only a 9.0 which is what it would have gotten if the current review system were in place at the time of TP's release.
Nonetheless, many of Jeff's reviews I disagreed with, especially the negative points...which were nit picking.
I think I'll miss Jeff. He was a good writer and I respect him for saying what was on his mind and what he thought of a game, no matter how hyped. You have to remember though that he was paid for what he thought about a game, not for what you wanted him to think. He had valid points and concerns and didn't deserve all the bashing he got. You try beating a game in 8 hours after it's released, skipping all the sidebits, just so he can get a score out there and then have you guys bash him, for doing what he could, because people are too lazy and cheap to go out there and get a game and see what it's like for themselves.Brokendemise
For the most part your post is fine, but the part at the end is ignorant. They usually get the games before they are released to us (you've probably noticed that some reviews come out before the game has even been released). So, they have a little more time to beat it than you seem to think. The part that really kills me though is that you claim that people are too lazy and cheap to go get the game for themselves.
I have to wonder if maybe your parents buy you a game every week or something. It's not about cheapness it's about not wasting your hard earned money on a crap game like Kane and Lynch. Often people have a budget; they can only spend so much on non-essentials and still pay the bills. You want to go with a safe bet and make sure the game you do buy is a good one.
Will you miss Jeff (bearing in mind the infamous score of 8.8 for Zelda: TP for the Wii) ??
I know a lot of ninty fans and sony fans dont like this site because of what they call 'bias' towards xbox, but do you think the masses of ninty fans who left GS in Nov 2006 will come back now ??
Ooh, 50/50 split. Intense!
I never liked him something about his demeanor always annoyed me and I'm happy he's gone even though I rarely ever come here and will come here even less after this whole debacle. However the fact of the matter is what happened to him is completely wrong and no matter who it is that just shouldn't happen in this kind of business. No I won't miss him, a little part of me is happy he's gone but overall I'm disgusted that this even happened and I sympathize with him under these circumstances.
Also in retrospect the 8.8 score is dead on for Zelda, most games are overrated and make the score look worse than it really is, it is a great game but not AWESOME AAA and i think most review systems are broken and overrated. For me he nailed that score (can't remember the review content, pros/cons of the game but the score is precise), I still dislike him though.
This is a huge misconception. The ENTIRE review team assigns teh score, not just the one reviewer. When TP got an 8.8, it wasnt only Jeff who decided to give it that. All the reviewers (Alex Navarro, Brad Shoemaker, ect) agreed that it was a good score for the game.
He was a terrible reviewer who gave low scores to Wii games in order to get hits but the way he got fired, if true, is saddening.kieranb2000
So all this hate from you stupid fanboys is unjust. GET OVER ONE FREAKING REVIEW.
i wont miss him period ... after rating timesplitters 3 a 7.8 on the gamecube hes lost my trust, or 6.5 for driver paralel lines on the wii and links crossbow training a 7.0 lol i laughed every quality looking wii game has got bad reviews but they give somthing like madden a 8 or 9 it just doesnt make since oh and no theres other 10s on this site not just loz oot and perfect dark was close 9.9 and if the rating were as it is now i bet pd would got a 10as would goldeneye 007 with a real rating of 9,8 loz should have got a 9, 9 or less no way is it as good or as fun as goldeneye 007 you wanna know what he did that ticks me off the most every timesplitters got lower scores then halo, why , when halo doesnt have as much stuff in it as ts had, and he missed a few when the game actually was as good as goldeneye
A shooter fanboy? Have you ever played OoT. It was amazing, and it was certainly more enjoyable than goldeneye. I don't remember anyone saying that OoT was the only game to ever get a 10 btw. OoT, Tony Hawk 3, Soul Calibur, and Chrono Cross have all received a 10.
I will agree with the notion that halo scores are too high though.
[QUOTE="Rev3nger"]AHA!!i fell into your old sig but not htis time MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (i was actually falling for it till i saw your avatar :P)[QUOTE="nintendo-4life"][QUOTE="ZumaJones07"]i don't even know what he looks like or other games he's reviewd... but i know the bad rep he has on this forum i won't miss him because he was never there... in my casenintendo-4life
Well, this time it's true.
That guy was the worst professional video game reviewer ever. He had a horrible bias against the Wii, would nitpick the games, find one thing wrong (sometimes that wasn't even a problem... always comlaining about controls on games I had no problems with) and would go on and on about them. OR he would go on about how great a game is, mention a small problem with it, then give it a lower score than what it deserved.
Yeah, he was fired for bs reasons, but I'm not surprised in the least. I had suspected for quite some time that GS was taking money for good reviews. EGM had an article about those kinds of things a while back, and after reading it I posted a question in one of the forums asking GS about their policies regarding this kind of thing. My answer? I was told that to ask questions like that and get an aswer from GS I would have to sign up for a premium account and post in the forums for people who pay. When I said that was ridiculous I was called "cheap" by other users. Hmm yeah, I'm cheap... but you're the idiots paying a site that's giving reviews based on how much advertising money they get. Morons.
Every few times I click on a link on this site I get sidetracked by an advertisement. This site has more advertisement that actual content. OF COURSE they're giving good reviews to those who pay for it!
I come to this site occasionally for the forum, for cheats on games I have beaten, and for previews... their reviewers are hacks and the reviews have been crap for a long time.
There is no denying that there was at least something odd about the TP review. So many other sites gave it high scores its odd that he gacve it that.
But it has not affect on my thoughts of him being fired. He should still be here, he should still be reviewing games, he is very smart and really wanted his readers not to pay for crappy games and buy what was quality. As much as I disagreed with so many things in recent years he was expereineced and evidently honest.
Guys just letting you know, I wanna leave GS but I wanna do it in a large group to make a statement. SO let me know if you are thinking about leaving.
was firing Jeff a bad idea?
yes. for one, they should have more than one person review a game. preferabaly 3 or 5. I have lost little credibility in GS though. GS has always been a place where the rating are generaly low. GSers are just so stuck to GS opinion, that they forget that GS opinion does not Make or break a game. one look at the shared boards shows you that. And who knows!?!? maybe he IS biased. maybe heIS trying to give games a low score. this si just like politics, a load of bull ****. but nobady can be sure, wich is why I can understand some of you are ticked off. but can we have one person, speak for the whole group? NO. ''''this, my friends, is Game spots fault.'''' but I can not stress it enough, that if you have trouble with a SINGLE OPINION, and you think, that THAT OPINION MATTERS, then Get a life. if you are just doing it because everyone else is, or because you all of a sudden care about a guy you mostly don't know, get over it, and learn that it will; no affect you, your life, your job, your income, and is not relevant to you, as a normal Human in ANY WAY!
is leaving a good idea?
No. GS is a good place to socialize, and talk. Also, It's a great place to show off GIMP and PS work. opposed to Deviant art, where you can't talk about it much. Blogs are a huge part of it too. there's lots to do here. why would you leave a place you love so much? it is irrelevant. it happened. it's over. this is about video games, not petitoins, and conflict, about Cnet's choices.
I don't have the idea of leaving, nor do my close friends.
The Poll results have been modified by the Gamespot staff to make it look like a very divided crowd on the subject.bill7907
Right. It couldn't possibly be that it really is a divided crowd. All the fanboys cheering his departure because TP got an 8.8, everyone else realizing he was an honest, no-nonsense game critic.
was firing Jeff a bad idea?
yes. for one, they should have more than one person review a game. preferabaly 3 or 5. I have lost little credibility in GS though. GS has always been a place where the rating are generaly low. GSers are just so stuck to GS opinion, that they forget that GS opinion does not Make or break a game. one look at the shared boards shows you that. And who knows!?!? maybe he IS biased. maybe heIS trying to give games a low score. this si just like politics, a load of bull ****. but nobady can be sure, wich is why I can understand some of you are ticked off. but can we have one person, speak for the whole group? NO. ''''this, my friends, is Game spots fault.'''' but I can not stress it enough, that if you have trouble with a SINGLE OPINION, and you think, that THAT OPINION MATTERS, then Get a life. if you are just doing it because everyone else is, or because you all of a sudden care about a guy you mostly don't know, get over it, and learn that it will; no affect you, your life, your job, your income, and is not relevant to you, as a normal Human in ANY WAY!
is leaving a good idea?
No. GS is a good place to socialize, and talk. Also, It's a great place to show off GIMP and PS work. opposed to Deviant art, where you can't talk about it much. Blogs are a huge part of it too. there's lots to do here. why would you leave a place you love so much? it is irrelevant. it happened. it's over. this is about video games, not petitoins, and conflict, about Cnet's choices.
I don't have the idea of leaving, nor do my close friends.
the pont in leaving is showing GS we dont want video game journalism to go to hell like so many other editorials. I have nto left yet because I wanna do it in a big group. I think leaving is to send a message to GS, if you leave quietly then your not gonna change anything. They may be opinions but I dont know if read other forums from othersites. They literally wait for the GS review. Dont ask me why because GS has been half ass backwards for a couple years now. Not only that but big sites like IGN and GS seriously affect how well a game does. There are alot of readers and A TON of site viewers. gaming has gotten to a point where many people are waiting on the reviews of these people. SO when Eidos buys their reviews its going to seriously offset the balance.
Just look at other reviews. Perfect Dark 0, come on we all know MS tipped them for that one. Its at least extremely likely. Everyone was saying MS has been paying GS for bumped up reviews and now its not so impossible.
There is no denying that there was at least something odd about the TP review. So many other sites gave it high scores its odd that he gacve it that.
But it has not affect on my thoughts of him being fired. He should still be here, he should still be reviewing games, he is very smart and really wanted his readers not to pay for crappy games and buy what was quality. As much as I disagreed with so many things in recent years he was expereineced and evidently honest.
Guys just letting you know, I wanna leave GS but I wanna do it in a large group to make a statement. SO let me know if you are thinking about leaving.
Seven sites gave Twilight Princess a lower score than what Jeff did. Game Almighty gave it a 7.8 .... Jeff gave Ocarina for the N64 a 10. He gave the Windwaker a 9.3... He gave Link to the Past for virtual console n 8.5... Jeff seems like a big Zelda fan, and like a fan of anything howcould he not be disappointed with some of the game's low points?
that 8.8 sure didn't stop me from loving the game
but he did bring up some complaints about the game I kind of agreed on
TP deserved an 8.8.
It was fun, but it was so similar to OoT that they couldn't really give it better. Besides, 8.8 is a great score.
I'm afraid for the integrity of Gamespot. It's obvious that Eidos had paid quite a bit to advertise on it, and with Jeff giving a somewhat poor review, the corporate wheels started turning and smacked an innocent man in the face. I thought he was one of the more integral reviewers on Gamespot. Screw you Eidos, and shove your dirty foul money up your colon.
[QUOTE="Cyber-"]There is no denying that there was at least something odd about the TP review. So many other sites gave it high scores its odd that he gacve it that.
But it has not affect on my thoughts of him being fired. He should still be here, he should still be reviewing games, he is very smart and really wanted his readers not to pay for crappy games and buy what was quality. As much as I disagreed with so many things in recent years he was expereineced and evidently honest.
Guys just letting you know, I wanna leave GS but I wanna do it in a large group to make a statement. SO let me know if you are thinking about leaving.
Seven sites gave Twilight Princess a lower score than what Jeff did. Game Almighty gave it a 7.8 .... Jeff gave Ocarina for the N64 a 10. He gave the Windwaker a 9.3... He gave Link to the Past for virtual console n 8.5... Jeff seems like a big Zelda fan, and like a fan of anything howcould he not be disappointed with some of the game's low points?
look at the overall review score.
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