[QUOTE="wiifan001"]Much like we got a lot of ps2 ports from 06-08, we'll surely get a lot of 360/ ps3 ports. As a matter of fact if you look at the Nintendo Conference with the Wii U lineup then, all of the 3rd party games (except Lego Universe) are also from another system already, being ported right over to Wii U.wiifan001
Wasn't Tekken Wii U a new game?
Aliens Colonial Marines
Assassin's Creed
Batman Arkham City
Ninja Gaiden 3
Ghost Recon Online
Darksiders 2
At this point in time, we're not exactly sure about some of them being new or just another port. If the Tekken game is new, who will get buy a Wii U and then prefer that over Street Fighter X Tekken? Not many. If it's a port of SF X Tekken, just pass the wii u and play it on the console you've already enjoyed for years. Now...why would someone get a Wii U when all these franchises are coming to the systems they already have anyway? The Rabbids games weren't actually announced during the Nintendo Conference but I can easily pass up the Rabbids games, and they won't push wii u sales.
As a Wii only owner, Arkham City and Dragon Quest 10 are the only wii u games I want so far.Dragon Quest 10 is coming to the Wii anyway so I'll get it on that system.Arkham City will have already been released for several months, by the time the Wii U version releases. When the price drop before or at the same time as the Wii U version of Batman AC; I'll get it on Pc and use my bro's computer if I did decide to get it.
i see the potential in the wii u's graphics ability, but also its its controller. i am not getting batman on launch for PC or xbox, instead saving it so i have something to buy for wii u. also cant wait for aliens on wii u, the cotroller will add a layer of immersion no other machine can do.
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