[QUOTE="ozzsoad"]It depends on what you like. I own a 360 but yet I play the Wii far more often. It has more games that I like. If all you like are online FPS, don't even bother.santiagochile
Ignore him. The Wii has Medal of Honor Heroes 2 (rather wordy name for a game, don't you think). That game rocks. It has superior controls and awesome online. Buy a Wii, MoHH2, a zapper (even though it can get uncomfortable) Excite truck, some steering wheel attachment, a classic controller, and Mario Galaxy. You'll be set for a long time.
Despite what you may hear, MOH:H2 isn't that great. It's not a BAD game, by any means, but the multiplayer can be lackluster (like, 5 maps, no voice chat, barely any communication at all, and rather ghastly graphics,) and a pretty dull single player with literally no story.
It's a generic WWII shooter.
Despite everything I just said, I actually enjoy the game, but those are the facts.
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