No, I wouldn't pay. One of the reasons why I prefere the Wii is that all it's online capabilites are completely free.
A voice chat feature will probably be implemented in the future (there are already talks about it), and soon there will be a demo channel for DS games (not what you meant, I'm sure, but it's something). Also, there will probably always be Friends Codes; I think a paying service would just streamline it a bit and lower the frustration for people having problems with it, but if Nintendo chooses to do that, it would probably be free in an update.
I would like the ability to see what friends are currently playing and attempt to join in if it's a multiplayer game. I'd also like it if Metroid Prime 3's achievement system (it was a lot like Xbox 360's, except it actually had benefits) worked it's way into more games.
Those features and more would be excellent, but I still wouldn't want to pay for it. I hardly used the Xbox Live features for my Xbox, so it was basically like losing $50 a year. While that's not a lot, I wouldn't want to go through it again.
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