I think the The Conduit franchise missed it's mark.
It was OK to release a game like this 2 years ago as the Wii barely had any games lke this and it seemed OK on paper. Right now though I can't really find a reasons why you should choose this game above Goldeneye, Metroid Prime Trilogy or any of the major CoD releases that the Wii has gotten. The only reason would be if FPS is your favourite franchise but if that's the case I think you bought the wrong console.
Conduit 2 isn't even out yet and we haven't seen all that it has to offer. It's waaaay to early to draw a conclusion about it. We've read in previews that it's additions are substantial over the original and we've read about improvements. I think everyone is getting bent out of shape over a few small snippets of early Conduit 2 video.
Yes we see graphical improvement, but many of you want to see more of the improvements that are stated to be in the game (less corridor, less linear, bigger environments, smarter AI) but these early videos don't show that. I don't know what the previewers or the developers are trying to showcase when they released the videos in discussion, but indeed I agree the videos don't do the game justice in addressing the problems with the first game. However, I'm assuming that the purpose of these videos is to just show off the improved tech and not what the game is about overall. Like I said, we haven't seen everything or played the game for that matter--so we really can't say how the Conduit 2 stacks up against GoldenEye, MP3, etc. It's too premature to start making such assessments.
But we can make a judgement on what they have shown us and their track record. What they have shown is pretty much the same as the first game but just nicer to look at, their track record is not impressive at all and they have done the whole hype, this is going to be an awesome game, the game the core gamers want and they give a mediocre game instead. You can say previews have said this and that but its not like we have never seen read previews for a game and it sounded so amazing but really the end product was just bad.
I don't care about their track record, I just care about Conduit. Most game consumers don't even know who the developer is, they just know the title or franchise. I have friends and family who play CoD or Madden, but couldn't tell you who the developer or publisher is. Why? Cuz they know the brand name and that it's fun. If I told them those developers made other crappy games, they could care less. Only on game sites do people get overly picky about a developers track record...that is just nit picky in my opinion. Nothing wrong with that, if that's your thing, then that's your thing, but I don't make a big deal about that.
Also, HVS is not hyping Conduit 2 the way they hyped the original game. I think they've been bit quieter and conservative in regards to Conduit 2 and much of that could have something to do with having a publisher from the get go. With the original game, before they landed with Sega, HVS was vibrant with their talk and we knew everything about the game long before it came out. This this time they have Sega so they're not at liberty to be so forthcoming about Conduit 2 hype and details so early on. Also, they're probably eating some humble pie this time around.
Anyway. All I will say is this: many are bashing this game now, but wait until it comes out. I'm certain many of the skeptics will be singing a different tune. I won't be here to say 'I told you so', since I'll be too busy playing Conduit 2. I'm sure I'll catch many of you on there!
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