I respectfully disagree. Don't get me wrong; the show was good enough, but I'd by lying if I said I was blown away by any particular thing. The sense of boldness that Nintendo has had the past few E3s was missing, and it felt more like just something that was ok with just a few retro revivals from a game-displaying side of things. The most surprising thing that Nintendo did this year would be with the direction of Kirby's Epic Yarn, but that's really the only thing I found myself getting excited about, and it's more based off the art direction of the game more than anything. To see that both Retro's game and Project Sora are old IPs was kind of a bummer, truth be told.
Normally, there would at least be a few games that I would actually be looking forward to after a Nintendo E3 conference, but at the moment, I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what I'm going to be getting in the coming months, and I don't mean that in a good way. A solid showing, but it wasn't anywhere mind-blowing enough for me to call it one of Nintendo's best. I would go into it more, but I just spent about an hour on this very subject with my blog. :P
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