Ok, before you all instantly assume I hate the game, I want you to hear me out, because I DON'T hate the game, I hate the hype that builded it up...
I think many people here are in denial. I know you are scratching your head, wondering just where I am getting at, but let me explain...
Like many of you, I reserved this game, having high hopes it would be well worth the hype that builded it up...it was basically about the same levels that Prime 1 had...
I should have known better... than to listen to the hype.... I really should have, yes it's my fault that I am stuck 50$ short and I have completed the game in a mere 5-7 days... it is entirely my fault, but is it really? Why should I take the full oomph of the disdain, when Retro Studios basically could not live up to the hype? A constant challenge for game sequels that follow the original is to evolve, and build upon what made the first game great... and at first glance, it would seem to be true for Corruption as it introduces a few new aspects that help give the game a new feel, but overall, what has it really done?
Not a damn thing. Oh sure, we got the ship this time, but we could do nothing in it... I mean really, what's the purpose of HAVING A THRUSTER STICK IF YOU CAN'T USE IT TO FLY MANUALLY? What's the point of having a weapon system installed if you can't fire...? Would it have been SO difficult to throw in a few random space pirate craft battles at random times, or hell, just once? All I am saying is the ship was a huge and heavy disapointment. Sure it looked nice, and it was nice to see the interior of the ship, but really, come on guys... it was just a fancy way of saving your game...
Then there are the hunters. Are you serious? These people are so one dimensional it's not even funny. I mean, what they DO show is standard emotinal cliches- we got the tough quiet guy, the smart guy, and the super-perky female... and really, this wouldn't have been that big of a deal had it not been for the fact that they are only used as shallow plot devices equally matched with the personality quirks they put out. They all become mini-bosses, just to die, and that's it...nothing special...
Corruption mode, though nothing really new in terms of gameplay aspects, was actually done right, and done good to the point where I had no real issues with it... except for the fact that the danger factor wasn't really there in the ways I had hoped it would be, but it looked nice, and definetly conveyed the raw power of phazon...
I have no issues with the beam-stacking, as a matter of fact, I preferred it over the constant switching that they had the gamer do in that past two installments. It added a tinge of realism I guess... only, 3 beams? (4 if you count hyper...) 1-2 more would have added more depth to it, and would have definetly added some fun in collecting collectibles if they were entirely optional...
I am extremly aggravated that they took out ripping away the torso of a space pirate through the grapple hook... way to man up Retro... They probably thought it would boost the game to M had it stayed, especially with the Manhunt 2 incident...can't blame them, but still, that little quirk would have definetly gave the offense aspect of the grapple hook more ground, as opposed to ripping away shields...
What the crap happened with the missiles? I don't think I have ever fired them but for the few times I had to...in Prime 1-2 however, I used them like crazy... so what the crap?
Speaking of missiles, the ship missiles are just as pointless as the grapple hook for it. It's obvious they tried to cover their ass with the fact that you can't do jacksquat in the ship, so they wanted to give the ship more precedence...too bad it failed...
The hypermode upgrades were all preety much useless... the Hyper Grapple and Hyperball especially....only used them for small moments to get to a door and whatnot, Hyper Missile was just as pointless, but actually was useful from time to time...
Voice acting was a nice touch, and I loved the decision to keep Samus vocal only through screams and grunts, after all, I would not want them to botch her voice if she were to speak.
Storyline was ok, nothing spectacular...
Friend Vouchers have to be THE most pointless thing I have ever seen done in a video game... Obviously, Retro, again, tried to cover their ass when they couldn't pull through on the On-line aspect, so in order to sem less guilty of the fact, they added that. It is so uneccesary, it's not even funny...
Then there are the bonuses...don't get me started...
So back to my original point: Denial. I truly believe that is the case, hell, I was the same way...
I am speaking about Denial in the sense that the majority of us spent 50$ for an expeirence that was supposed to be so spectacular our eyeballs would melt from our sockets, and it didn't deliver. All the new aspects I covered? Filler. Pure, filler... to DISTRACT you into thinking the game is epic and a masterpiece and to compensate for the fact that we spent 50$ for it....
and yet, people truly believe that this game is the best Prime ever... no my friends, Prime 1 shall always be the best because it stood for more, and actually AWARDED you for all your hard work... (Fusion suit/NES Metroid anyone?) Not to mention, pickups were not so boring to collect...
Another thing, Why was Dark Samus such a damn PUSHOVER?! Seriously, on Prime 2, the end boss Emperor Ing and all the forms that follow, PLUS DARK SAMUS, on the HARDEST difficulty, were the BIGGEST pain in the ass to conquer, and boy let me tell you, it was a satisfying experience to reign surpreme over them...
You know, the least they could have done was make the end boss at least HARD, I had more trouble battling Ghor....
The ending was horrible too....
So yea, you are probably assuming I hate this game....that is wrong. I like the game, but I hate what they reduced themselves too...Filler...
The game had so much potential, I wanted an expeirence that could help reflect the experience I had the moment I started the Prime series, to see Samus done in 3-D, and masterfully executed...
Instead? I got a bunch of empty promises and a hurting wallet, all because Retro Studios did not push themselves hard enough to deliver in the aspects that are there, but were not done at 110%...
Thanks for reading the rant, you have a good day.
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