100% agree. Sapewrath is going to come i hear though and deny this :P. Honestly as good as the game is, this really hurts it given that this is a key element to Zelda IMO. It is my only big issue with the game, although i do really wish the harp didnt suck.
I don't have the harp yet, but I do hear it is basically retarded.It's just this Zelda lacks exploration. Linear surface, and a void sky with nothing to do....O wait I delivered pumpkin juice once.....cool......
Like in OoT you had those skelutas to find, masks to get, so on and so forth. Those big blocks are dumb. Just ridiculous. I'd much rather spend my time hunting down giant spiders, killing them, and collecting skelutas.
Skyward Sword is awesome. Love the game. But think about how much better it would have been to have the same open world, exploration, and finding different things as past Zeldas had. It would have been the best game ever made.
You sound like you feel the exact same way about the game as I do. I enjoyed it a lot and it had me hooked. That said some things irked me throughout, exploration being a big one. I completely agree abotu the cubes and such. Skulltulas were very well hidden sometimes and the prizes were far more interesting. Plus there was so many ways to find them, from putting ants down the sandy hole, finding them on a wall, or blowing something up to get to them. I loved that. IDK, this aspect lacks in SS, which is huge for me. I never really felt the sense of adventure I got from the others. But again SS is a great game and it does some stuff the best. There are some fights in the latter half of the game that are epic indeed.
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