harp is wasted potential i'll give you that. but Oot's world was really bland, i much prefer how it is in skyward sword. if instead of wanting to be like OoT, you wanted it like SS, but bigger and with more optional areas, then i could agree, but i really like it as it is.[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"][QUOTE="NaveedLife"]
See, I agree with you, but IMO you should be saying, "this game is pushing half of Zelda in the right direction, and taking a step back in the other". You seem to like some of the mechanics and the controls. I agree! But you wish the sky was more like Wind Waker, and the surface more like OoT. If this was the case, the game would probably be a 10 for me. Oh and the frikkin harp needs to be better.
I can understand what you are saying (although I love OoT's world and dont find it bland), and yeah they could be great. But here is the thing. I feel like so much of Skyward Sword's open areas are not actually open. There are very few places you are allowed to walk, cause of quicksand or lava. Which is fine in areas! But not everywhere. I wish they had the Skyward Sword like environments, but with more to it and more open in areas. So basically just add stuff that connects it all, with a town or two and some interesting things, and have some of those parts be less dungeony, but still dangerous. This and/or have far more sky exploration. I think if they had made the sky awesome I wouldnt have much of a problem with the surface, but the sky sucks :P.
man if they had towns for all of the races we met, that would have been awesome. also you are right i would have preferred a more connected world like TP.
im sorry to say that i dont find OoT's world great anymore lol. at first it was, but then when MM, WW, etc, came out i realized there was never much to do in the world of OoT. yes there was some exploration but otherwise it wasnt much. i also felt like everything was arranged very strangley lol. the desert seemed too close to hyrule feild, zoras domin was like in some random area lol. the only place i thought was set out right was death mountain.
anyways thats my opinion, dont get me wrong on OoT i still love it and its world, just not as much as i used to :P
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