@mand0n said: > dynamic and reactive enemies
Are you trolling or are you actually that fucking dense? Dynamic and reactive? 90% of the enemies in OoT have a set pattern of > move to the side while blocking > attack and occasionally jumping in the case of minibosses. The AI in OoT is only slightly better than ALTTP because they maneuver around you to breach your defenses. Fair enough - the enemy AI is slightly better in OoT, but it doesn't change a damn thing because that very same AI has a set pattern that you get used to early on into the game so none of the enemies can kill you. In ALTTP, the unpredictability of the AI causes you to react to the situation as it comes, rather than what you've been hard wired to remember. You never know how the fight will play out so you need to be on your toes - but in OoT you always know what to expect from the enemy movement and attack patterns.
"I also like how you mentioned Dark Link and Iron Knuckes, these two fights were better than anything ALTTP could muster. It makes it even worse for your argument."
If my argument was to completely and conclusively say all of OoT's enemies were predictable and stupid, then yeah - that certainly would make it worse for my arguments, but it wasn't and it doesn't. If all enemies in the game were like the Iron Knuckle and all minibosses were like Dark Link, then OoT would have the greatest combat out of any zelda game period.
"Don't tell me that's better than the 3D combat of OOT which while not great went far beyond just hitting shit rushing you with your sword."
Okay I'll tell you exactly that. It's better than the 3D combat of OOT which while not great simply changed the formula from hitting shit rushing you with your sword to hitting shit rushing with your sword after waiting 5 seconds for them to hit your shield. LUL Z TRGETING IZ SO INNOVATIV DA COMBAT IS SO REACTIVE N DA ENEMIES R SO SMRT. The way you describe it makes me think that you're confusing this for a Dark Souls discussion or something. Quit exaggerating the quality of OoT's combat - we both know it's just a game of hit shield > get shield hit > attack enemy for 90% of the game's enemies besides the ones that shoot projectiles at you.
"It's the highest rated game ever. It topped more lists than any other game."
I know I've said this countless times but I'll say it again. Who fucking cares? People have nostalgic hard ons for it. Always have, always will. People have gone so far as to call it the greatest video game in existence, which is fucking insane on so many levels. There are so many games that did what OoT did and did it better [including actual Zelda games for that matter] and people give that title to OoT? If that's not a nostalgic bias I don't know what is. I'm sorry you and so many people like to wear your rose coloured goggles but OoT is an incredibly flawed game, and because it has flaws that aren't in later installments, it's completely illogical to hail it as the best. I say this same thing to the people that say Mario 64 is better than the Galaxy games or 3D World despite it having arguably the worst platforming in the entire series. Nostalgia - that's the only reason these games are so critically acclaimed.
Again, ALTTP has virtually no AI and the combat has no flow whatsoever, enemies don't react, they don't defend, they don't react, they don't do shit actually. There is a set pattern in every damned game out there. Even Dark Souls follows a set pattern of hitting and defending and some were complaining the combat was too defensive. It wasn't fixed until Bloodborne. The enemies in Dark Souls are just more varied and far deadlier. Block, attack, dodge...yeah well it's a fight, do you expect much more? Honestly what do you expect combat to be? Combat is waiting for an opening and striking at an appropriate time, most games do that and that's the way it should be done. Only complaint I have against OOT was that the enemies were too passive and died too quickly. It was still a very decent system by 1998 standards. Its combat certainly wasn't worst than its contemporaries.
Yes the AI was great by the standards of 98. I'm asking you for the 10th time, what 3D hack-n-slash game had a better combat system? I even told you 2D games don't count yet all you did for hours was bring back a single game over and over again. A 2D one at that. The combat isn't even comparable to a 3D game so much their technology is far apart. Go ahead name the 3D adventure games released before OOT with better combat systems. Good luck with that, that list will be tiny.
What the hell are you on about? It's been sitting on 97 score for over a decade. It was the highest rated game at the time of its RELEASE. It has nothing to do with nostalgia. I don't even think it's the best game ever. It's not even in my top 10 but there definitely is an argument for it being the greatest game ever considering it's REGARDED as the best game ever.
Every single game out there is flawed. Not a single game is perfect. It's all about how badly the flaws affect the gameplay and how much they hinder your enjoyment of it. OOT's combat wasn't a strength but it certainly wasn't a flaw when it was released. Not many games did a better job than it. Contrary to most games there isn't a single major flaw that absolutely drags the game down. Yes, there are some rough mechanics, there are some things that aren't greatly executed but the whole package was ultimately a technical achievement. ALTTP has significantly worst combat than Minish Cap and subsequent 2D Zelda games, how often do you see people criticizing its combat system? Not often because honestly, it wasn't bad at all for its time. Just like OOT's combat system wasn't bad by any stretch of the imagination in 1998. Did any of these games had outstanding enemy encounters? No, not really. They were still competent enough and as good if not better than their contemporaries.
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