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1. I hate it when I like send a long text and the person replys back with a short little message. Then they complain I dont write back to them, what the hell am I supposed to reply to "lol" 2. I hate f***i*g birdsdesigner-
don't we all there just in the way of life
1. Lady Gaga.
2. When people try to tell me I'm angry.
3. People who tell you about the movie you're watching.
4. Bass guitars I can't play with my fingers.
5. When people sing Yellow Submarine.
6. TV shows about vampires.
7. People who name their kids after movie fads.
8. Nickelback.
9. Bands who sound like Nickelback.
10. Douche bag bands like Nickelback.
Not in order... 1. People who think The Dark Knight is the best movie ever... It was good but defiantly not as good as people make it out to be. 2. People who say how crappy our generation our... There the ones who raised us. 3. People who say popular singers, actors, players have no talent, when obviously they do since they are famous... 4. Thats all I got....swaggafiedSome people aren't famous for what they do, like sing, act, etc. Take Paris Hilton for example. Octomom, Courtney Love, Robert Patinson, to name a few. Octomom had eight babies. Does that make her talented at being a mom? No. Courtney Love is famous for Hole right? Who the [explotive] is Hole? She's famous for her husband. Robert Patinson. He's not famous for his acting, he's famous for who he played. If Twilight wasn't a huge little girl phenonenom he wouldn't be famous. Logic is flawed. Its like saying saying one band is better than another because they sell more.
No particular order, but Religion probably would be my number 1.
1. Religion; Christianity and Islam mainly, I'm more tolerant of religions that actually demonstrate that they are civil; Hinduism and Buddhism etc.
2. People who think they're top **** for being awesome at something. I have no problem admitting someone is way better than me at something, and if they're humble about it, they will get much of my respect. However, when they are arrogant about it, rub it in people's faces and think that anyone worse than them is a loser, that's when I feel like punching that person in the face over and over again.
3. People who act 'tough'. I don't get it?! Why do some people deem it necessary to act all hard, verging on hostile, to people they've never met? I think if you've never met someone before, and know nothing about them, you should be neutral but show respect. Some people just aren't worthy of the title 'human'. They act like territorial animals. It's pathetic.
4. Fanboys. Dammit these people annoy me. Are people so insecure about the one console or system that they chose to purchase that they have to try and prove that they picked the right one? I mean, I have no problem with people only buying one console and then justifying it. You cross the line when you start making up things that aren't true and claim that other systems have nothing to offer when they clearly do. If you were a real gamer, you'd spend your time gaming, not being an idiot. This obviously extends to other mediums, music is also a big one, which leads me to my next point...
5. Youtube's community. Worst. Community. Ever. Seriously, everytime I discuss something in the comments page of a youtube video, my faith in humanity drops. It makes me realise what a large portion of humans are just incredulously and unforgivably stupid. I commented on a Justin Bieber video the other day (I was bored, so I decided to troll) and I got comments back saying "You're just jealous of his amazing voice" and "Admit Justin Bieber is the best singer of all time!". I've also run into numerous American (I'm Australian) 'patriots' who are anti-black, anti-gay, anti-anything-but-christian and essentially anti-intelligence. I have trouble believing that these people exist. I hope to hell that they are trolls. Youtube is just full of idiots, and it shows how bad people in general are in completely public, unmoderated discussions.
6. Racism. It's not logical. That's pretty much all that needs to be said about it. It's people who can't use their brains to overcome that instinctful urge to be hostile to anything outside of their own kind. If you're racist, you haven't evolved properly. Go live with the animals.
7. People who don't understand metal. Like all genres that have good sized fan-bases, metal gets criticised. I, of course, am critical of certain genres of music. I think there's one golden rule with understanding multiple types of music. You cannot critique music on it's sound, because different people like different sounds, therefore it's not feasible to say 'It sounds bad' as a negative point. While you could say "It sounds bad" to justify why you don't like it, you can't use that as evidence or justification that the music is actually poor. This is pretty much what annoys me with people who hate metal. They say that it sounds like noise because they are just too ignorant to hear the individual instruments working in unison. They then say it's just a bunch of random guitar strumming and yelling with no skill. They also refer to it as 'Screamo'. I don't need to explain this to any metal fans here, you know what I mean. I hate those people.
8. Censorship. Living in Australia where we have no R-rating for games, and the government plans to filter our internet, you can see why I hate it.
9. People who think games are only for kids / are childish. They aren't. Period.
10. Any race on the planet being able to say race jokes, but when a white person does it "OMG HE'S RACIST ZOMG". Double standards.
Un-honourable mentions:
The Vevezula, people doing 'the wave' during slow or sad songs, unbelievably bad food at resteraunts, Little kids who eat up any product with a license. Argh, there's just so many things.
7. People who don't understand metal. Like all genres that have good sized fan-bases, metal gets criticised. I, of course, am critical of certain genres of music. I think there's one golden rule with understanding multiple types of music. You cannot critique music on it's sound, because different people like different sounds, therefore it's not feasible to say 'It sounds bad' as a negative point. While you could say "It sounds bad" to justify why you don't like it, you can't use that as evidence or justification that the music is actually poor. This is pretty much what annoys me with people who hate metal. They say that it sounds like noise because they are just too ignorant to hear the individual instruments working in unison. They then say it's just a bunch of random guitar strumming and yelling with no skill. They also refer to it as 'Screamo'. I don't need to explain this to any metal fans here, you know what I mean. I hate those people.
I understand metal. I understand there's alot of talent in some metal bands (aswith all genres there are bands without much talent).Why I don't like most metal is the fact you can't hear or understandalot of the lyrics, the fact that quite a few metal songs can be played on the top string alone (on bass, I play bass), unnecessarilly morbid lyrics, and how close minded the majority of metal fans I've met.
Kids who are happy
Kids who are sad
Kids who are loud
Kids who are mad
Kids who eat meat
Kids who can't sleep
Kids who cry
Just make me want to die!
2. Politics
3. Religion
4. Violence
5. People
6. Creationists
8. Street gangs
9. Pedophiles
10. Trolls
Pretty please! :P Fine. :P I'm Puerto Rican, white, and Dutch. At least that's what I've been told. >.>Dutch people are white.;)[QUOTE="gamerguru100"][QUOTE="TwilightTown15"] Argh! :x Must I answer you?
1. Revenge
2. Cold pools
3. Humidity
4. Broken A/C
5. Traffic
6. Pink
7. People dissing my family, especially behind my back
8. Leftovers :P No, I actually love leftovers.
And that's all I can think of. :P
10 more things I dislike
1. People
2. People at my school
3. People who go out of their way to annoy me
4. Rap music
5. Pop music
6. People who say all Metal is just screaming
7. When I play terribly in RDR
8. People who look at me funny when I'm wearing an Iron Maiden shirt
9. People who judge a person by music taste
10. Did I mention people?
Spicy food
WWE with a PG rating
Anderson Silva being lazy inside theoctagon
This gen of gaming
Falling down
1. people who think they're tough
2. Sydney eshay lads
3. people who are being a smart@ss
4. fanboys
5. Twilight
6. generic pop songs
7. Naruto
8. Bleach
9. working at fast food
10. rascists
1. Phones that don't have QWERTY keyboards. 2. Sluts. 3. Screamo. 4. Lies/Liars. 5. Girls who are stuck up. 6. Boys who are stuck up. 7. People who won't accept others' opinions. 8. When the blinds are open. 9. When you have a door shut, someone walks in, walks out, and doesn't shut it. 10. When a group of people mock you as you walk/bike past them.Razor-Lazor
Mines is the exact same as this except without the boys who are stuck up (I could care less about the guys anyway). I'd replace 6. with getting incredibly sick.
10. Trolls
9. People that claim they're against bigotry, even though they treat certain races like morons.
8. Double Standards
7. Jack Thompson (even though he isn't relevent nowadays)
6. People dissing bands they've never listened to
5. People posting the most mundane things on FB
4. Over-zealous Christians
3. Self-absorbed folk
2. Lil Wayne
1. BP
1. Kids/teenagers - not being ageist, i just hate alot of the ones that goto my college
2. Religion
3. People who talk about themselves alot
4. Mobile phones
5. Chavs - the ones that start on others for no reason
6. University students
7. People on social networking sites that moan about the slightest thing
8. Summer
1. Clingy significant others
2. People who don't turn turn their phones off in movie theaters
3. People who text in movie theaters
4. Everything in regular rotation on pop radio at the moment
5. When guys wear skinny jeans
6. Racism
7. Vomit
8. Beets
9. When people drink milk straight from the carton
10. When people seemingly realize they're wrong halfway through the argument yet keep arguing
Hehehe im probably the last one ^_^ Thats what i do with the iphone 4 all the time.. keep saying its crap yet all the evidence is against me1. Clingy significant others
2. People who don't turn turn their phones off in movie theaters
3. People who text in movie theaters
4. Everything in regular rotation on pop radio at the moment
5. When guys wear skinny jeans
6. Racism
7. Vomit
8. Beets
9. When people drink milk straight from the carton
10. When people seemingly realize they're wrong halfway through the argument yet keep arguing
You, this thread, your font, your user name, your avatar, your sig, your post count, your level, your list of dislikes, everything else about you.McJuggayou managed to get 10
1. bad music
2. reality show
3. disney channel
4. people who dont stop texting when you hang out with them
5. xbox fanboys
6. ps3 fanboys
7. people who call metal is "screamo" "o my god you listen to screamo!"
8. school
9. being sick and getting up early
10. and to finish it off people
2.Mean people
3.Yankees Baseball
4.Being on Disability
5.Mel Gibson
6.People with no patience
7.People who think they are perfect
8.Moms who should not be moms
9.When you want to buy something and not having the money for it.
10.Cost of going to the dentist
All Republicans in general, or are you generalizing based on a couple of people you've met?1.Republicans
3. Racism
4. Sexism
5.Domestic abuse
6. Genocide
7. The fact that the stickers on a Rubik's Cube will eventually peel off
8. Slavery
9.Strawberry soda
10. Really bad headaches
Oh alright then. In no particular order:
1. Raisins (ptooie!).
2. Mint flavoured sweets. When God had finished work on the wine gum the Devil - not to be outdone - sat down and came up with the Fox's Glacier Mint. I feel queasy just thinking about it...
3. My internet connection.
4. My bedroom. In summer it's an inferno and in winter I can see my breath misting - and the pathetic excuse of a radiator hiding in the corner helps no-one.
5. Coke Zero (what's the point?).
6. Flightless birds (vide point 5).
7. Cats - the domestic animal, not the musical (although I don't see myself going to see the latter anytime soon).
8. The summer. Curse you, axial tilt!
9. Shoe shopping. I can't think of any other clothing-related purchase so entirely dependent on luck.
10. Real-time strategy games. I know I'm not clever and so does anyone who spends five minutes in my company - I just resent having it rubbed in my face by a machine.
suffering children
arrogant drivers who think their business is more important than anyone else's on the road
girl help threads
people who type on their phones or computers during meetings at work
radical conservative bible thumpers
crystal meth
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