He's not going to disprove ****.
To hell with media hype.AceofTrades
I love this post.
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haha im sorry to burst your bubble :P just to point out though...Well, that makes me feel bad about my 140 IQ considering I took the test when I was 7:PTacticalDesire
"IQ [is] calculated as a ratio between a person's mental age and chronological age."
Just because the kid had an IQ of 170 at (did they say what age he took it?) Doesn't suggest that he's smarter than Einstein. It's suggest Einstein's IQ was "Above 160", and although he never actually took an IQ test, it would only make sense that they would estimate his IQ at the peak of his career, He was ~26 when he released his Theory of General Relativity. Leading me to believe that AT THIS MOMENT, this kid isn't even close to the intelligence of the great Einstein.
I must have passed the event horizon of a Kerr black hole and went back in time... because I remember seeing this last week.
lets be serious........what kind of horrors will this kid create when he discovers pot? and sex..... trust me. like every human before him. he will hit puberty and stop caring untill he has proper responsibilities. its just the way it works.
Ill take hide and seek over genius status anyday.
Quite sad i'll probably never get to find some one intelectualy equalto me on this earth.
You sound so elitist.
some of those things might encourage excessive affluence and greed, animal endangerment and time travel. i'm all for it!Don't really care if he proves Einstein wrong or not. Someone as smart as this kid should be inventing one of the following:
Practical flying car, jetpack, and/or personal hovercraft.
Pill that lets you eat all you want and lose weight without excersizing.
Technique to make puppies and kittens never grow into adult dogs and cats.
Warp drive.
He's teaching integration by parts in one of his videos. He clearly understands whats going on. I didn't learn that until second semester of university when I was 18. That kid will be successful in whatever he does.[QUOTE="PS2_ROCKS"][QUOTE="BluRayHiDef"]
Finally, someone who doesn't just jump on the bandwagon. I think he's going to fail at what he's doing.
I'm not saying that he isn't smart for his age. However, performing formulaic calculations by following a predefined set of steps and operations does not necessarily imply that he's capable of understanding the abstract concepts behind them or the abstract concepts behind higher level material such as Quantom Physics, etc. Until I see a video of him explaining his theory and until I have corroboration from members of some renowned Physics organization, I won't be jumping onto the bandwagon. Every year or so, you hear about some kid who's supposedly extremely smart and is the next Einstein, then you stop hearing about them in a few months. I swear that there was a story about some British kid, sometime last year, who supposedly had an extremely high IQ. Where's he now? This kid will just fade out of the spotlight, soon enough. He will never disprove Einstein. He WILL fail.
high intelligence = media popularity? media popularity = success in your career?this kid is a threat to humanity, his future children will take over the world breeding a new species of intelligent humans and 99% of current humans will die due to natural selection
Someone with Aspergers. Having children. Not likely. Also not likely that they would be able to take over the world.
Having higher IQ isn't necessarilya good thing.Everything in moderation is best. But it should be very interesting to see what the little lad is up to,
and playing Halo: Reach, one of his favorite video games.
I'm so tempted to post this in SW, since PC elitists so constantly claim that only morons play console games.
Are you implying that PC gamers are STUPID??? :evil: :evil: :evil:
and playing Halo: Reach, one of his favorite video games.
I'm so tempted to post this in SW, since PC elitists so constantly claim that only morons play console games.
Are you implying that PC gamers are STUPID??? :evil: :evil: :evil:
i'm perfectly sure pc gamers are aware that this kid is a threat to pc gaming. probably wants to bring about the consolization of the hardcore exclusives.Don't really care if he proves Einstein wrong or not. Someone as smart as this kid should be inventing one of the following: Practical flying car, jetpack, and/or personal hovercraft. Pill that lets you eat all you want and lose weight without excersizing. Technique to make puppies and kittens never grow into adult dogs and cats.Warp drive.aransomI should probably point out that making a warp drive would entail proving Einstein wrong
I'm so tempted to post this in SW, since PC elitists so constantly claim that only morons play console games.
Are you implying that PC gamers are STUPID??? :evil: :evil: :evil:
i'm perfectly sure pc gamers are aware that this kid is a threat to pc gaming. probably wants to bring about the consolization of the hardcore exclusives. i really hope he is not! :evil:Calculus in 2 weeks??! I'm having trouble with it right now!
Actually, in less than a week. He taught himself all advanced highschool level match course in two weeks, not just calculus. If you divide the classes evenly over that two week period, he learned calculus in much less than a week.
[QUOTE="BluRayHiDef"][QUOTE="Big_Bad_Sad"]"We figure that Jake has a couple of years to kick back and relax before he finally debunks the big bang theory." It was a good read until this.Big_Bad_Sad
He will NOT debunk the theory. He WILL fail.
As soon as I read it the first thought was that his parents are religious.Well, if you did a little research you'd understand the basis for his position. The carbon in the universe can't be explained with the big bang theory. He says the universe would have to be three times older than it's speculated to be in order for carbon to make sense in the big bang theory.
Other astrophysisists say he's on to something and are encouraging him to keep working at it.
[QUOTE="BMD004"]and i taught you everything you know now what?I taught him everything he knows.
I taught you everything you know so you could teach him everything he knows.
Same here in Trig. This kid makes me feel like a failure. :lol:Man, I'm borderline failing Pre-calculus right now. I could use this kids help.
Same here in Trig. This kid makes me feel like a failure. :lol:[QUOTE="jman1553"]
Man, I'm borderline failing Pre-calculus right now. I could use this kids help.
I feel your pain.
For me, anyone who gets 80% and above in advanced math makes me feel like plain trash. :P
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