@Jakejack: Statistics don't support your narrative. According to the associated press the incidents in Germany were committed by mostly North Africans and were not vetted refugees, actually illegal. According to DataGrave deaths from terror attacks peaked massively in 2015 and declined in 2016 and are lower even now in 2017. Yes, you could point out that 2015 is when the West started accepting migrants, but the 2015 data is massively inflated by attacks in non-western countries.The Paris attacks had the 10th most fatalities and the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks were from Iraq and France. Crime rates you say? According to the Swedish National Council of Crime prevention there wasn't any impact of refugees on crime rates. The 2015 rate was 11% lower than the prior year. In a blanket statistical statement, immigrants also commit less crime than the natives of the countries that they migrate too (Cato Institute).
The Brussels attackers in 2016 were also North African.
According to The Atantic. "Between 1975 and 2015, the “annual chance of being murdered by somebody other than a foreign-born terrorist was 252.9 times greater than the chance of dying in a terrorist attack committed by a foreign-born terrorist,” according to Nowrasteh."
That includes 911.
From what think tanks present, refugees present less of a threat to the countries that they immigrate to than natives, both Muslim and non-Muslim. If you want to argue the cost of humanitarian aid, fine. But claiming they are dangerous is pretty ignorant considering even in the attacks most were illegal, native, or non-refugee.
Really the Alt-Righters on the internet are really just paranoid and project their fears of cultural Marxism as accusations of savagery and violence. It's classic tribalism and is a sign of rational ability.
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