[QUOTE="MrGeezer"]You like to think of it as a vegetable because of the taste?!
Umm...excuse me, but what the bloody hell does a "fruit" taste like?! Does an apple taste like an orange? Does a grapefruit taste like a pear? What the **** is "fruit taste", and what the **** is a "vegetable taste"?
Its got the sour taste that doesn't taste very fruit like. And you never answered my questions about what courses do you usually eat tomatoes and if you would like a fruit pie with tomatoes.....So...now lemons aren't fruits because they are sour? Well then, what about freaking grapefruits?
As far as your question, I can't recall ever eating a tomato pie. However, I CAN recall eating steaks that were accompanied by a blackberry infused sauce. Just as I can can recall eating steaks that were accompanied by a beef-infused sauce, tomato-infused sauce, or a cognac infused sauce. Hey, we can make sauces with both fruits and booze. I guess that must make booze a fruit.
Bottom line, any culinary definition of a fruit is flat out stupid as hell. Botanically fruits make sense because they are consistent. It doesn't matter if they are tasty or disgusting, nutritious or deadly, or sweet or sour. When you go to another planet and see bigass Alien Tomatoes growing on Alien Tomato Vines, you're not gonna have to actually EAT the ****ing things before you radio back home and say that you saw some fruit. The kiwano melon is basically a cucumber, and people classify one as a fruit and the other as a vegetable due to taste, and that's dumb as hell. THEY ARE PRACTICALLY THE SAME THING. They are FRUITS. To say that one is different from the other is like saying that humans don't have livers while chickens do have livers, because I don't chop up human livers and put them into gravy.
In fact, now that I think about it, I can't recall ever eating ANY part of a human being. I've never eaten human fat, bone, or muscle. Does that prevent human fat from being fat in the culinary sense? No...if you ate a dude's arm, you'd still be eating fat. So your best friend still has fat even though you haven't eaten him yet.
No offense to chefs, but the day that I let A FREAKING CHEF tell me what a fruit is is the day that I blow my brains out. I don't freaking try to tell Mr Chef about flavor profiles, so he should at least do me the courtesy of shutting the hell up when I tell him that tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, and zucchini are ALWAYS going to be fruits. He's not a botanist, he's a freakinbg CHEF, and I don't give a **** what he does with the fruits in his refrigerator. I'll eat that **** and call it delicious, but fruits are fruits, and tomatoes are freaking fruits.
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