* Gender: Female
* Age: Unspecified, young adult.
* Race: Caucasian
* Nationality: Living in Canada, heritage includes Italian and English
* Religion: Believe in a god, but does not associate with any religious group.
* Political ideology: I suppose liberal, I'm very open to change.
* Where do you get your news from?: TV, internet, newspaper.
* Level of education: High school.
* # of game systems owned: 1 in constant use (PC), and some older nintendo systems.
* Years spent gaming: started when I was around three, but not 'seriously' of course.
* # of unions you're a part of (check your "unions" tab under your profile) : none
* # of unions you actually visit on a regular basis (regular basis = at least once a month) : n/a
* Most visited forum(s) on GS : OT
* Did you fill out your real 2010 Census?: I don't live in the USA, so no I did not. If Canada has one, I did not get it.
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