@Solaryellow said:
@MirkoS77 said:
No, I asked about riots this day, respective to our previous conversation around the 6th in which you said, ‘we’ll see on the 20th’ (or something along those lines). I’ve never acted like the Left has not ever rioted, but I do contend that they have not rioted today. It didn’t happen, did it?
I have accepted it. I accepted it in 2016, I accept it this time. But I will not be preached to about accepting a loss by a Trump supporter, thanks.
You asked if the left-wing nuts rioted as if there wasn't a precedence (which you freely admitted not knowing) along with the market of such actions being cornered by the right. Wrong on both accounts. They did it when he was elected the first time and when he was inaugurated as President. I have the full faith that eventually it will happen again.
You guys gaslighted America for years and it ended up biting you.
Despite your attempts to draw equivalence, you are a long way from accusing the other side of what you, and others in your support of Trump have enabled:
-an attack on our Capitol and democratic process
-the lack of any accountability to the one who fomented it
-now, the lack of any accountability to those who enacted it, and the release, free and clear, of those who've beaten police officers, left them traumatized, some of whom have committed suicide.
-enabled and supported the legitimization of political violence, by the president himself, en masse. That is a distinction you cannot match.
.....and we have Sarge cheering the pardoning of those who beat police officers on. Real good, guys. So keep attempting to draw equivalences and holding out hope that, hey, maybe in the future the other side will do something that even begins to approach what you have stood in advocation of. That you even have to hold out for what may happen is very telling.
Trump's pardon is one of the most disgraceful days this nation has ever seen, right alongside Jan 6th. Keep clinging onto one-offs in the feeble and pathetic attempt to draw parallel.....sorry Solar, it doesn't exist.
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