"Characteristic of Moody's work is the glaring omission of cases that don't fit his hypothesis."
"What little research there has been in this field indicates that the experiences Moody lists as typical of the NDE may be due to brain states triggered by cardiac arrest and anesthesia (Blackmore 1993). Furthermore, many people who have not been near death have had experiences that seem identical to NDEs, e.g.,fighter pilots experiencing rapid acceleration. Other mimicking experiences may be the result of psychosis (due to severe neurochemical imbalance) or drug usage, such as hashish, LSD, orDMT."
"Similar experiences can be induced through electrical stimulation of the temporal lobe (and hence of the hippocampus) during neurosurgery for epilepsy, with high carbon dioxide levels (hypercarbia), and in decreased cerebral perfusion resulting in local cerebral hypoxia as in rapid acceleration during training of fighter pilots, or as in hyperventilation followed by Valsalva manoeuvre. Ketamine-induced experiences resulting from blockage of the NMDA receptor, and the role of endorphin, serotonin, and enkephalin have also been mentioned, as have near-death-like experiences after the use of LSD, psilocarpine, and mescaline. These induced experiences can consist of unconsciousness, out-of-body experiences, and perception of light or flashes of recollection from the past."
"We can't assume that those who report NDEshadan NDE. Nor can we be sure thatonlythose who report having had an NDE actually had one. Two of the participants in the Dutch study first reported having an NDEtwo years aftertheir close calls with death. It is possible they constructedfalse memories. Stories of the alleged typical NDE have been reported widely in the media. Experiencesafterthe NDE might be used to construct an NDE after-the-fact. It is possible that others had NDEs but don't remember them due either to brain damage, to different abilities in short term memory, or to the timing of their experience vis-Ã -vis when they regained consciousness. The only significant factor between the NDEers and non-NDEers in the Dutch study, according to van Lommel and his colleagues, was age: those who had NDEs tended to be younger. This is partly due to the fact that older cardiac arrest patients are more likely to die than younger ones, but it may also be partly due the fact that younger brains are more likely to have better short term memory functions than older brains."
This is just a small tidbit of other possible explanations for NDEs. Fact is, you're jumping to conclusions. You have already assumed a conclusion because you find it preferrable, VERY unscientific., Furthermore, any time a possible alternative explanation to your conclusion is debunked you take that as evidence that your conclusion is right, wholly fallacious. Just because A is wrong does not mean B is true. You seem to have very little knowledge of the workings of the brain and brain processes, but suffice to say these instances are not sufficient evidence of an afterlife. As to if being an atheist matters, it doesn't. I had a dream where I talked to Professor X. I don't believe Professor X exists, but I know of Professor X and my unconscious mind can access that information and weave it into a dream story.
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