[QUOTE="mems_1224"][QUOTE="nohabs"]When watching 24 it's required to turn down your brain wave levels. Enjoy it for what it is a heart pounding action show. With it's faults it's still the best action show yet. mimic-Denmark
pretty much. its just a TV show, its supposed to be fun and entertaining it doesn't have to be super realistic all the time
I agree, ive watched 24 since its first season and enjoyed every one of them, although season 5 is the best in my opinion. Prison Break is very good to, espacially from season 2. Lost Went downhill in the second season and now they arent even trying to hide the fact that they wanna milk the show to its last episode, and man i cant say this enough, BLACK FREAKING SMOKE when all you thoughts in season 1 goes towards a monster type of thing.
Sad sad attempt at discrediting a show. Prison Break is the show that is obviously being milked. How many times can they make it so the characters JUST BARELY escape danger to make it exciting instead of making more connections to their plan and Michaels tattoos or at least making the story more deep. Lost is science fiction, and they have had the story planned out since the beginning, something most shows can't say. Lost writers and producers have said that their is a logical and scientific answer to everything in the show, it's not all made up lies for the show, these things are possible or could be possible with certain types of technology.
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