She may not be attractive, but she has a beautiful voice.
I meant both musically and physically. Voice isn't everything in music, it's sickly mass produced garbage taking advantage of a creepy anomaly that should have been at best a popular zoo attraction. The fact that her album is the best selling album of 2010 is an insult to music in general. Just my opinion.
You mean a slutty, skanky, no-talent pop star didn't have the best selling album of 2010?
I think that's a good thing.
At least with the slutty, skanky, no-talent pop star the industry is keeping to a standard, and they arn't trying to hide the fact that they are a bunch of opportunistic money grabbing useless wasters. Taking an old woman, sticking her on a stage and then turning it in to a sickly "against the odds" story is just an attempt at pulling a thin veil over the cynicism of the actual production process. All they actually care about is milking the cow until it's dry before they move off on to their next gimmick. No thought goes in to a record like that, no one really cares about how it sounds in the end, just as long as it ticks all the right boxes.
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