Thoughts? I'm not much of a Star Wars fan. But I was still looking forward to seeing it. After these unfavorablere views I'm going to hold off indefinitely.
Thoughts? I'm not much of a Star Wars fan. But I was still looking forward to seeing it. After these unfavorablere views I'm going to hold off indefinitely.
I saw the movie yesterday. It was alright, in the way that TFA was alright. A fun and spectacular blockbuster movie. If you attempt to scratch the surface and dig deeper however, you'll realize what an inconsistent mess this trilogy was.
TLJ had the right idea to shake up the formula but failed in execution. Rise of Skywalker basically pooped on TLJ and took the TFA fan service route. It's a shame they decided to make a new trilogy with no clear vision and direction.
I haven't seen it yet but when I look at audience reaction and review headlines, I keep seeing these two words "amess" and "afan-service" which shows The Rise of Skywalker suffers from same thing that plagued the Warcraft movie , lack of a solid screenplay and bad editing. Maybe it's time for Disney and the production team to learn that not everyone who's watching this movie is a StarWars hardcore fan , and they should make a movie that tells a story of heroic adventure instead of keep reminding us how great the first trilogy was , ... we know how great it was , so pls stfu
I Will probably enjoy it because it is Star Wars, but I have to admit I had higher expectations as far as the reviews, was really hoping they'd get it right with this movie.
It's a shame that the best Star Wars material in the last few years is the animated Star Wars: Rebels. No disrespect to that series, it's really quite wonderful, but you'd think if they were going to get something right they'd get the damn movies right.
Oh well. Star Wars Episodes 1-9 is dead. Bring on Obi-Wan.
And I am sorry but the quality of Episodes 1-3 and 7-9 really does put a stain on Episodes 4-6. I wish that wasn't the case, but you have to take the series as a whole.
I've seen this morning I found disappointing if I'm honest, The Force Awakens was good I just question how can they mess up Rise of Skywalker that badly
And I am sorry but the quality of Episodes 1-3 and 7-9 really does put a stain on Episodes 4-6. I wish that wasn't the case, but you have to take the series as a whole.
No, you don't. The OT works completely self-contained. If you never saw the roman numerals, you'd think it was a full story. It is.
I expect Avatar to be a better saga than Star Wars. Part of the reason it's taking so long for the first sequel is because James Cameron wrote all of them at the same time, just like George Lucas had a story already planned for Empire and Jedi before he ever made Star Wars. I can't believe how stupid these people at Disney are for not even writing the sequels in advance when they're dealing with a beloved three billion dollar franchise.
And I am sorry but the quality of Episodes 1-3 and 7-9 really does put a stain on Episodes 4-6. I wish that wasn't the case, but you have to take the series as a whole.
No, you don't. The OT works completely self-contained. If you never saw the roman numerals, you'd think it was a full story. It is.
I do watch them as their own self-contained trilogy for my own sanity :D I enjoy Episodes 4-6 as their own because I can.
But at the same time, you have to incorporate the other films. Because they decided to make certain things canon.
For example, midichlorians. So instead of this big mystery, about Luke being "chosen" to save the galaxy, it simply comes down to the genetic lottery. Luke isn't special, he is just lucky. Science-god be praised! Now as much as I'd like for their to be a rational explanation for Jedi if they were real, they are not real so I want some mystery to it.
Obviously I am being overly cynical here, but there's some truth to it.
Or how about Darth Vader? This awesome badguy-in-black was arguably the first bad guy I ever liked (and felt sympathy for), but thanks to Episodes 1-3, I now think he was just an entitled little millennial stereotype "wah wah wah I deserve to be a Jedi master wah wah wah I love Padme wah wah wah sand is coarse wah wah wah".
All these things taint the original trilogy to some extent.
Who could have foreseen this?
Oh wait Disney probably did that's who, knew they had a dud in their hands with this and decided to preemptively put Kennedy in the backburner and bring in Feige.
Problem is Feige is responsible for that Marvel garbage so no better in my opinion.
Do it Disney, call Nolan.
And no, I haven't seen it and won't see it in theaters.
People who haven't liked this trilogy so far but keep giving Disney money are idiots.
I'm only going to get it because I have all the other films, including the spin offs. In for a penny, in for a pound.
That’s unfortunate however I think that I’ll still really enjoy this movie going from what I’ve heard about it and how I enjoyed the previous movies.
I've seen this morning I found disappointing if I'm honest, The Force Awakens was good I just question how can they mess up Rise of Skywalker that badly
Was it though or was it just mere happenstance of getting the old gang back together?
Watched it, its shit. In fact its so shit I even rank it lower than the last jedi. Just how the heck a star wars movie can be even worst than last jedi, that shocked me.
Also spoiler, poor chewie. He should have died, the dude is 250 year old already.
I saw the movie yesterday. It was alright, in the way that TFA was alright. A fun and spectacular blockbuster movie. If you attempt to scratch the surface and dig deeper however, you'll realize what an inconsistent mess this trilogy was.
TLJ had the right idea to shake up the formula but failed in execution. Rise of Skywalker basically pooped on TLJ and took the TFA fan service route. It's a shame they decided to make a new trilogy with no clear vision and direction.
This sums up a lot of movies nowadays...
Kathleen Kennedy is a very talented person, but I can't help but think her being at the head of Lucasfilm did not help out the Star Wars movies.
From what I read she just doesn't get it, has no respect for the franchise, and, well...just does not understand it. See the long-winded but informative video below:
Hollywood Reporter article
Rolling Stone interview
She simply has no value in the arts. Business, yes. But the creation of something? No.
@ezekiel43: nor can I. I’m absolutely astonished at Disney’s handling of this property. One of the most valuable IPs in cinema, they’ve done incalculable damage to it, perhaps irreparably so. In only a few short years no less.
Heads better roll for this, preferably Kennedy’s. That she found it prudent to use the biggest cinematic property as a vessel to push her own ideological agenda is bad enough; that she allowed those in creative positions to take such immense individual liberties, diverging a trilogy that demanded cohesiveness into a complete clusterfuck, is unforgivable. If I were Iger I would be beyond furious.
But hell, they’re still probably going to make the brilliant decision to give Rian his own trilogy. Utter incompetence.
I saw the movie yesterday. It was alright, in the way that TFA was alright. A fun and spectacular blockbuster movie. If you attempt to scratch the surface and dig deeper however, you'll realize what an inconsistent mess this trilogy was.
TLJ had the right idea to shake up the formula but failed in execution. Rise of Skywalker basically pooped on TLJ and took the TFA fan service route. It's a shame they decided to make a new trilogy with no clear vision and direction.
This sums up a lot of movies nowadays...
Video games as well. It's like inspiration and quality is slowly draining out of entertainment only to be replaced by superficiality and cheap quantity.
SIIIIGH. After watching this movie, I'm fine if I don't see another Star Wars on the big screen for a long time. I went in completely clean, no spoilers whatsoever, but if I had read what was unfolding on the screen in front of me on a message board, I would have laughed and accused whoever posted it of trolling.
This movie is the anti-TLJ, and it's not for the better. While TLJ was proud of huffing its own farts always trying to subvert the audience, TRoS goes all-in on nostalgia at the sake of, well, everything. Character development, a cohesive plot, logical progression. HA! It's mostly wadded up and thrown aside in favor of constant hyperkinetic set pieces with some of the lousiest attempts at emotional manipulation this series has seen yet. To the point where they become eye-rolling or hilarious.
Force powers are abused so much in this movie that they take away from the drama. They're no longer an aid for Jedi and Sith, they're just straight up space magic wizards now. Even Harry Potter would roll his eyes the events of this movie.
I'm not a J.J. hater. I've enjoyed a lot of the man's work even when everyone else dumps on it. But this is the worst thing he's done in his filmography as a writer/director. This current trilogy had no real goal in the end and it flounders with this movie. I'm so disheartened, I think I'm shuffling into the "Star Wars is Dead" camp. It's obvious J.J. wanted to answer all the questions people had, introduce new elements AND sweep the previous entry under the rug. Thing is, it's all being crammed and rushed into this one film and the results aren't particularly satisfying. It's a lot like the problems Batman v Superman had. All these checkmarks to hit at a breathless pace and none of them landing.
It's a shame they couldn't find a balance between the last film's largely unwanted dull and cynical deconstruction of Star Wars and this flick's overindulgence of clumsy fan service.
@ezekiel43: nor can I. I’m absolutely astonished at Disney’s handling of this property. One of the most valuable IPs in cinema, they’ve done incalculable damage to it, perhaps irreparably so. In only a few short years no less.
Heads better roll for this, preferably Kennedy’s. That she found it prudent to use the biggest cinematic property as a vessel to push her own ideological agenda is bad enough; that she allowed those in creative positions to take such immense individual liberties, diverging a trilogy that demanded cohesiveness into a complete clusterfuck, is unforgivable. If I were Iger I would be beyond furious.
But hell, they’re still probably going to make the brilliant decision to give Rian his own trilogy. Utter incompetence.
On another board I used the word "ubiquitous" when describing a long gone Disney and the quality once associated with its films. Looking at the resources of the company this trilogy should have been anything rather than an embarrassment. Being honest, the majority of S.W. films under the mouse have been garbage. Clearly the shot callers were making poor decisions when it came to their subordinates rather than making the hard decisions. Star Wars films are not your average crappy film releasing every week that can be a throw away film. The franchise deserves better. IMO Disney should have placed the proper people in place who all shared a cohesive plan for the trilogy AND time should have been taken rather than acting with haste. Over saturate the market and look what happens.
There are people who find the characters interesting while I find them forgettable. There are people who love the fan service and I say do it right if you must go that route. Disney is a joke.
It's a fun summer block buster movie and that's about it, it's a lot like the Marvel Movies, fun to watch and an enjoying thrill ride, but once you dig deeper and start to think about the notice some big flaws. This works for Marvel because you know....Super heros and comics.
But Star Wars movies are supposed to be EVENTS. It should be the EVENT film of the year when it releases, but they've been reduced to Almost yearly Block Buster releases, and it's over saturated and tarnished the franchise some.
I think we need a break from Star Wars Movies, I know we are getting a 3 year break before the next one and damn is it needed. Disney is going to have to go back to the drawing board; come up with a cohesive plan for the next movie releases, and maybe find a time frame not explored in cinema yet. Old Republic anyone? That time period can let the writers and directors have a lot of creative freedom, and bring some freshness to a staling franchise.
I saw the movie yesterday. It was alright, in the way that TFA was alright. A fun and spectacular blockbuster movie. If you attempt to scratch the surface and dig deeper however, you'll realize what an inconsistent mess this trilogy was.
TLJ had the right idea to shake up the formula but failed in execution. Rise of Skywalker basically pooped on TLJ and took the TFA fan service route. It's a shame they decided to make a new trilogy with no clear vision and direction.
This sums up a lot of movies nowadays...
Video games as well. It's like inspiration and quality is slowly draining out of entertainment only to be replaced by superficiality and cheap quantity.
Yeah, you're not wrong. Big companies especially will always go after the sure thing/safe bet, and not attempt anything creatively risky because the higher ups will get angry.
@ezekiel43: nor can I. I’m absolutely astonished at Disney’s handling of this property. One of the most valuable IPs in cinema, they’ve done incalculable damage to it, perhaps irreparably so. In only a few short years no less.
Heads better roll for this, preferably Kennedy’s. That she found it prudent to use the biggest cinematic property as a vessel to push her own ideological agenda is bad enough; that she allowed those in creative positions to take such immense individual liberties, diverging a trilogy that demanded cohesiveness into a complete clusterfuck, is unforgivable. If I were Iger I would be beyond furious.
But hell, they’re still probably going to make the brilliant decision to give Rian his own trilogy. Utter incompetence.
On another board I used the word "ubiquitous" when describing a long gone Disney and the quality once associated with its films. Looking at the resources of the company this trilogy should have been anything rather than an embarrassment. Being honest, the majority of S.W. films under the mouse have been garbage. Clearly the shot callers were making poor decisions when it came to their subordinates rather than making the hard decisions. Star Wars films are not your average crappy film releasing every week that can be a throw away film. The franchise deserves better. IMO Disney should have placed the proper people in place who all shared a cohesive plan for the trilogy AND time should have been taken rather than acting with haste. Over saturate the market and look what happens.
There are people who find the characters interesting while I find them forgettable. There are people who love the fan service and I say do it right if you must go that route. Disney is a joke.
I don't think over saturation is the problem at all, I think there is a very healthy appetite for Star Wars out there. But for GOOD Star Wars, not the shit Disney has been farting out. If this ST were as good as the OT, I'd be in heaven if they were releasing so frequently. I believe many are mistakenly ascribing the proximity of releases as the reason it's performing poorly and not the fact that these films are utter garbage. I don't buy fatigue as a factor, it's simply poor movie making.
Uninteresting (and wasted) characters due to amateurish writing, vague character arcs you need a Youtube thesis on to understand, an undefined and uninteresting core narrative, inconsistent universe logic, plot holes so big you could pilot a Star Destroyer through, abysmal acting, political agendas, directors who appear to be using a film's canvas to battle their visions out at the cost of a trilogy that's supposed to stand together as a cohesive whole......all topped off with Disney insulting the audience for objecting to all of this, labeling them bigots and every "ism" in the book to try to cover for their own failures.
What in God's name are they thinking?? It's almost as if they are trying to sink this property, because I honestly don't think they could do much more to harm its prospects. I'm genuinely hard pressed to think of what more they could do. People need to be fired for this train wreck, and Kennedy's departure can't come too soon. I'm wondering if Lucas is kicking himself for selecting her to be the one to oversee it.
This movie is the anti-TLJ, and it's not for the better. While TLJ was proud of huffing its own farts always trying to subvert the audience, TRoS goes all-in on nostalgia at the sake of, well, everything. Character development, a cohesive plot, logical progression. HA! It's mostly wadded up and thrown aside in favor of constant hyperkinetic set pieces with some of the lousiest attempts at emotional manipulation this series has seen yet. To the point where they become eye-rolling or hilarious.
Force powers are abused so much in this movie that they take away from the drama. They're no longer an aid for Jedi and Sith, they're just straight up space magic wizards now. Even Harry Potter would roll his eyes the events of this movie.
well put. that's what i came away thinking
Sooooooooooo Rise of Skywalker has a RT audience score of 86% right now, vs critic score of 57%. Does this mean JJ was right and fans just wanted a big bloated bunch of nostalgia bait?
For the record, I haven't seen the movie yet but am curious about people's opinions on this.
I don't think over saturation is the problem at all, I think there is a very healthy appetite for Star Wars out there. But for GOOD Star Wars, not the shit Disney has been farting out. If this ST were as good as the OT, I'd be in heaven if they were releasing so frequently. I believe many are mistakenly ascribing the proximity of releases as the reason it's performing poorly and not the fact that these films are utter garbage. I don't buy fatigue as a factor, it's simply poor movie making.
Uninteresting (and wasted) characters due to amateurish writing, vague character arcs you need a Youtube thesis on to understand, an undefined and uninteresting core narrative, inconsistent universe logic, plot holes so big you could pilot a Star Destroyer through, abysmal acting, political agendas, directors who appear to be using a film's canvas to battle their visions out at the cost of a trilogy that's supposed to stand together as a cohesive whole......all topped off with Disney insulting the audience for objecting to all of this, labeling them bigots and every "ism" in the book to try to cover for their own failures.
What in God's name are they thinking?? It's almost as if they are trying to sink this property, because I honestly don't think they could do much more to harm its prospects. I'm genuinely hard pressed to think of what more they could do. People need to be fired for this train wreck, and Kennedy's departure can't come too soon. I'm wondering if Lucas is kicking himself for selecting her to be the one to oversee it.
Think outside of the box rather than what one normally associates when hearing market saturation. The entire trilogy has been fan service over and over and over in a very poor and awkward manner and in that respect we were saturated. Perhaps it wouldn't have been as tiresome if it was better written but regardless, I think a proper passing of the torch was needed maybe in the manner of Star Trek Generations. Instead, the writers and directors went the easy, yet boring and painful, route.
Disney is now in the business of being politically correct rather than eagle-eye focusing on a quality product and god knows there was enough canon to help out the incompetent contributors to such an abortion of a trilogy. Do it right or not at all.
I wonder if Lucas kicks himself for selling as he's made some rather blunt comments about the first two films. I'm also wondering what is the entire scope of what he sold Disney and if it is limited to just S.W.
the race for clicks on YT for vids about why this is the worst star wars movie ever is in full effect. better get those reviews in fast! don't want to miss the boat!
reminds me of the GOT season 8 tantrum the internet had.
The managed to make Snoke go from a nothing Palpatine knockoff to a Palpatine knockoff that now makes no sense.
@DEVILinIRON: don't waste your money , all I can tell ya is that that Rise of Skywalker was so bad that I'm missing Jar Jar right now
After Disney killed the EU, I was pretty much done with Star Wars, but gave The Force Awakens a chance. I instantly regretted it.
I'm glad I spoiled the newest two movies rather than waste money on them. They sound like absolute train wrecks of lore and storytelling. All done at the expense of things like the Yuuzhan Vong, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Kyle Katarn.
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