1. DNA wasn't assembled at random; natural selection is a non-random process. And DNA probably isn't what the first lifeforms had.
2. Anecdote
3. Proven by experiment to be of no value
4. And 'nothing' is something.
5. Universe from nothing, but note: nothing weighs something and has some volume. The universe's existence allows life. Virtual particles pop in and out of existence all the time. Limited knowledge != wrong.
6. Science can detect "thoughts", all you have to do is translate the brain's functioning. And we've pulled images out of people's heads.
7. Theory (th'-r, thîr')
Scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and comprehensive form of scientific knowledge, in contrast to more common uses of the word "theory" that imply that something is unproven or speculative (which is better defined by the word 'hypothesis'). Scientific theories are also distinguished from hypotheses, which are individual empirically testable conjectures, and scientific laws, which are descriptive accounts of how nature will behave under certain conditions.
8. No it isn't. And what people have witnessed is just anecdote. There is no evidence, it doesn't seem necessary in anyway.
9. I can't be angry at something that doesn't exist outside of fairy tales.
10. I'm not the one who's a member of a book club that sponsors ignorance and pedophilia
11. Not a paradox, there was no defined point that the first chicken came to be, it was a group of species of ~chicken-like birds that slowly changed, imperceptibly, into what is considered the modern day chicken.
12. Yea, improbable != impossible.
13. 5
14. Brain isn't from mindless cells, it's made of cells that make the mind. Our consciousness is just the remnant excitation of the biological analogue circuit that is our brain.
15. We wouldn't make it here w/o sustenance, we would have failed natural selection and would have been selected out (extinct) if we failed to find food and water.
16. Evolved
17. Probability, 100's of billions of stars in our galaxy, of 100s of billions of galaxies in 1 (known) universe.
18. ^
19. ^^
20. ^^^ 5
21. Life wasn't random chance, it was probability (12)
22. They are detectable. No god has ever been detected.
23. Tomatoes rot because of bacteria, they don't "transform". And 5.
24. No evidence of this occurring.
25. The group survives, not the individual. Natural selection was the crucible that forged our morality, necessary for a social life style.
26. They do.
27. Chance is probability, you have a x% probability for "this" outcome. Flip a coin, 50/50 chance of heads up.
28. The only limit that we know for sure is our knowledge.
29. Wat, there are other calenders. Our calender, based of the Ancient Romans (pagen) used to have 10 months (December = deci = 10. It is now the "Julian" calender with Julius(July) and Augustus(August) Cesar added.)
30. Cults, Cons.. People have many times in the past.
31. Not evidence
32. Surprisingly, art is shaped by the culture its from, almost all of it has some historic accuracy if you look into it.
33. The only prophecies in the bible were "discovered" after they occurred.
34. Nope, the Bible has very little verifiable and accurate history.
35. I can't remember her name, a scientist, was murdered by early Christians in Alexandria ~300 A.D.. Pushing creationism and "intelligent design", religion hardly likes science, since it's so often able to stop the tithes from rolling in. Iraq 'used' to be the scientific and social center of the world, look where it is now.
36. "Why" doesn't matter. "Why must there be a universe?" A= "Why must there be a reason?"
37. That's its strength, the ability to amend its faults, to correct itself. Religion is stagnate, bronze age myths.
38. "Why" doesn't matter, why something 'must' exist is meaningless. Abiogensis is an incomplete hypothesis, ignorance != wrong.
39. Anecdote
40. The white flash and lovely sensation is the results of endorphins. And, if you've ever noticed, you accept your dreams as reality 99% of the time during them. Only when you're conscious do you realize it wasn't (unless you're having a lucid dream).
41. Anecdote
42. Religion's fun, but blind? K, I think it's disgusting Einstein was only a man, he was fallible.
43. wat, anecdote
44. God would have came from nothing too, doesn't answer the question at all, beyond plugging your ears and saying "naa naa naan aaa, I don't hear you". Something from nothing 5.
45. It doesn't need to have a "why" (this is getting redundant)
47. So finely tuned, that's why we have vestiges and sickness.
48. Tiny gaps aren't important, there's more than enough evidence to see where our species evolved from. And Lucy(homo floresien) is one of many "missing links"
49. Not proven in any way.
50. Even if Jesus existed, and honestly believed the crap he said; the biggest con man, he is not. No, the concept of organized religion is the biggest con.
51. Pascal's wager, bet on an infinite variation of possible religions and think that it will get you to heaven. Is it not more moral to have honestly failed to believe in God due to a lack of evidence, than it is to believe in God just to save yourself? How selfish.
You jerk. :(
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