She didn't know any better.
Children are always innocent, end of story.
Not always.
Here is another murderer who was a child: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Bell
But she was 10, and the kids in your example were 10 as well.
10 is long way in learning and maturity from 4.
Still not enough... Human's can't even percieve depth until they are almost two (which is why you don't allow infants that can crawl to be on top of things, as they can't tell they are above something as they have no idea of depth and will simply crawl off the edge)... So I don't see how this judge considers a 4 year old able to judge morality 2 years later... 10 year olds either in the case of those examples... The human brain isn't even fully developed until you are well into your 20's....
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