Yeah the Bible never once says the world is 6,000 years old. We can't conceive of how God experiences time since we can't fathom the concept of experiencing past, present, and future as ONE simultaneous instant. For God, from the birth of the Universe to now, it's been one instant. One eternal instant. This is science as well. Science is coming to the conclusion that time as we know it does not exist as linear path like most people think, but it's actually us that is passing THROUGH time. The only time there has ever been is now so it doesn't matter if God created the world in "6 days" or if the Earth is "6,000" or "4.5 billion" years old. It's all been one instant for God.
You seriously don't understand the pyhsics principles behind time do you? Youve picked out one true point about time not being linear and used it in the wrong manner, scientists now think time moves in oscilations not speradicly as you've said.
Also the 6k years thing comes from an Irish priest who used the lineage of Jesus at the begining of the new testament and some salinity estimation (Which is horribly inacurate) to figure out the age of the earth.
Which is not the Bible. But yeah, I'll admit I don't understand half the math in it, but all that I read about time came from a pretty interesting article in Discover Magazine. That, and various spiritual texts I've been studying that talk about our perception of time and reality and just how much of an illusion it all is. I know one thing, past and future don't exist. Whenever it was the past, it was now. Whenever the future comes, it'll still be now. The only thing that changes is my point of reference. Think of it as if you're in a massive cathedral sized room with a mural across every surface depicting a moment of your life. Now, you move along this mural focusing on different events that come into your perception, however all of it has already happened. That's how time is experienced by God. "The Alpha and the Omega" so to speak. God can perceive it all, and we experience time as linear due to our limited perspective in physical reality.
Light is a great example of something that exists in a timeless state. For us, the speed limit of the Universe is 186,000 miles per second. That is a constant that does not change regardless of how fast you are traveling in relation to light. Now science has shown that if you were to actually travel the speed of light, time and space would seem to shrink to nothing.For an observer actually traveling at the speed of light, the equations of Special Relativity predict that time would come to a complete standstill, and length would shrink to nothing. Physicists usually avoid considering this strange state of affairs by saying that, since nothing can ever attain the speed of light, we don't have to worry about any weird things that might go on at that speed.
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