Part 2.
Most creative user.....The_Foreign_Guy
Most underappreciated user ever.....megagene
Most not afraid to face the wrath of music elites......SolidSnake35
Most random....DarkKar
Most under the radar.....ff7fan2
Best newcomer.....-Misanthropic-
Biggest flirt.....DrSponge
Users most likely to share a beer.....Travo_basic
Most amiable....Ninja-Hippo
Most likely to introduce you to new music.....dissonantblack
Vet that not's noticed as a vet...Bourbons3
Best use of numbers in a user name not counting 9502...Dave123321
Most positive user.....btaylor2404
Best movie blogs....SaintLeonidas
Most passion for music......Zepman71
Best sparring partner (tie)....CptJSparrow and DeeJayInphinity
User not intolerant to a difference of opinion....Funky_Llama
User who should have stuck around....staindcoldlp
Man of a few words that says a lot....The_Zoid
User that consistently makes me laugh (no small feat)....Wilford Owen
User most likely to be a friend/mate....Samwell_X
Mods that earned respect (tie)....Spazz (takes his responsibilites seriously to make GS better and if I'm not mistaken the only mod to suspend me) and Elraptor (tempers his duties with humanity).
All around good users that are missed (least I haven't seen them lately).....Proobie44, Sajo 7, uncledeath2005, ArmoredCore55, gameer1, horgen123, Overrated Hero, Bauers-Twin, FunkyHamster, FragStains, al.
New crew.....spidermonkey11, aaronmullen, mattykovax (new to me not here)
Closest Cure fan....ShuLordLiuPei
Because he deserves an award award....Zakkro
Best classical fan even if Beethoven isn't his favorite...pianist.
Sorry if I got anyone's name wrong and I'm sure I forgot quite a few users. But I've been posting in OT for some time now and people come and go.
I suck at paint so you have to imagine a gleaming gold Robert Smith statue with award and user name engraved on the bottom.
Special award to all users attempting to misappropriate my user name or stalking me on the internet. You've entertained me most of all....
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