What he was saying was that the Swastika's meaning has been completely changed, but there are millions of people who still see it as a symbol. I was trying to say thousands of years of history cannot be squashed and thrown aside because of something that happened in the past 100 years.SSCyborg
That's what I thought you were trying to say, but I wanted to be sure. Just understand that, for those who aren't aware of the cultural significance, the Swastika is only used as a symbol of hatred.
And for as why I said "****ing", that was how myself, and a few of my friends talk. When we want to add more emphasis, we usually say something(more often than not is a curse word). I know it's probably seen as crude, but that's the way I've grown up talking. I hope I don't come across as someone saying that those murders don't matter, because India has gone through many hardships themselves, it's just that the Swastika is still a symbol of my family's culture and faith and I do not like it when people talk bad about it. I cannot control the fact that Nazi Germany adopted the Swastika.SSCyborg
Ok, I understand. You weren't trying to say that the murders don't matter. You were expressing frustration that the Nazis adopted a legitimate cultural symbol and used it as a banner for hatred. I would just be careful when you use words like that, because if they're misunderstood, a lot of people can easily take offense.
If you feel the need to moderate me, I will understand.SSCyborg
There's no need. You censored the word correctly and you explained what you meant. Thanks for clarifying :)
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