Today, I find out that my lifes work essentially has been tossed in the trash over a mere technicality, to which I had no other options. I was a Nursing student, for several years I have worked hard to obtain my licensure and succeed in life to some degree. During my first semester of Nursing school I missed two days of school to attend the birth of my son. I was present for half the day on both of the days that I missed due to my son being born. The first day, my wife was sick and rushed to the hospita, being a high-risk pregnancy I wanted to be there for support. I left at 12:00pm that day, they let out the class at 12:30pm on that same day, yet still counted me absent. The second day, they induced my wifes labor, so again at around 1pm that day I rushed to the hospital afraid I would miss something. As it turns out, I did miss something that day my opportunities were dwindling away before my eyes and I was painfully unaware of the situation.
I was told by my instructor I could miss 3 days PER semester, the following semester I'm told that it's actually 3 days the entire year by a different instructor which was confirmed by the board of nursing for my state. I entered my last semester not having missed another day and being top in my class the previous semesters. Yesterday, I was reporting to my clinical site at the hospital and was arrested for driving with a suspended license. Subsequently I missed that day at clinicals tallying my third absence for the entire time I've been in Nursing school. Now I'm being told I am being removed from the class, and have to restart the entire program in TWO YEARS.
So because I had an immediate family medical emergency, and then was arrested for something I had no clue about I am now once again back at square one with the beginning of my life at my fingertips. What a technicality. It's not like I ever just decided I didn't want to be at school either of those 3 days. I was appeared for every day ready to work. Then, I get shat on and tossed in the trash like some deliquent.
You may be wondering why I was driving with a suspended license. Here's why, 1. I didn't know my license was supsended or I would have arranged for alternative methods of transportation. 2. I got into an accident 2 years ago and my insurance had just expired. I paid my debts to the county I got into the wreck with, I paid for my cars damages, and the other parties damages as well even though the wreck technically was not my fault since I was T-Boned at a redlight. During the course of geting all of this taken care of I thought I was squared up, and things were fine. Apparently there were additional tickets lingering in the background that I was not informed about, yet required to pay to the state for the no insurance accident. I paid 1. state ticket, assuming that was that, and it was final. Unknowingly, I had to pay two more. I find myself wondering, where the hell was my notification?
Since this appears to be a long rant about my life hitting misfortune, and should probably be a blog-post. I'll ask you guys, what should I do? I still have a son, and a wife that I need to take care of. Now, I'm jobless, no future because I was discharged from school and am back at square one.
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