[QUOTE="Vfanek"]Here's a scenario for you. A girl is diagnosed infertile by three different doctors, due to suffering from Anorexia Nervosa in the past. The guy sees the papers and well, they seem very real. Neither is the girl a lier (and when she attempts to lie, it just doesn't work).
The girl also doesn't receive periods, ever. The guy knows this because he spends every day with the girl and he would notice.. a certain piece of string or a blood flow if the "I don't have periods" would be a lie. That time of the month is non existant.
No periods, doctors diagnose her infertile for at least another ten years (They said she MIGHT recover). The last doctor waws actually pretty recent, she went to the hospital for other reasons and they took some tests which brought some results in other areas.. Infertility.
She was also on the pill.
Is it my and her fault that an abortion became necessary? It was a one in about an *infinite* chance. I am not happy about what happened, but come saying we didn't have the right to do what had to be done? Would it had been a better idea to ruin our lives, not to mention the childs?
I won't ever forget what happened, neither will she. But life has to move on. If tehre's something I don't like, it's when people talk about things they don't have a ****ing clue about. Sometimes it's a bit more than "Oops forgot the condom". You don't have to agree with abortions, but it is a very sensitive subject. You do realise that people who agree with abortion wouldn't actually LIKE being involved in anything correlated to it? I never asked a higher power "please let me abort my first child", it just had to be done. It's something I won't ever forget, but I know that it needed to be done.
Discuss your abortion views with people if you like, but make sure they're not sensitive about the subject first. Discussing it on agaming forum filled with teenagers? How is that a good idea?
Ok firstly, that is a hugely complicated 1 in a billion chance scenario (which i really am struggling to understand, perhaps you can clarify). I think perhaps there would be SOME bad things from removing abortion, but i think that it's ultimately for the greater good.
Secondly, this is a forum which is designed for people discuss whatever they like. I'm not saying something that is offensive, i'm merely giving an informative insight into abortion. I'm hoping to change some people's perspectives, even if it's in just a small way. Maybe people haven't thought about the things i have said. And of course, i haven't thought about stuff that other people have said.
To clarify the ultimately idiotic scenario which seriously should be a "That would never happen to me" thing. Well, she had been anorexic a year back and just started recovering from it. She was badly anorexic as well, she reached the point where a doctor told her "If you don't stop eating in two weeks, you'll die". Whether you are to believe that doctor or not is up to you, but I think we can all agree that that is pretty serious.
Anorexia harms the body in many ways, weakened bones, loss of muscle, mental well being decreased.. We all know about them, but it also messes up the ovaries (I'm taking this from memory, correct me if I'm wrong) and well, damages the womans insides. Many anorexics can never have a child, and for her that was the most likely scenario according to the doctors. They said that maybe in ten years, she might be able to conceive, but they told her not to get her hopes up. These news must be great for a teenage girl. Considering how much a woman thinks about the future, about having children, having a family. But either way, that's how it was.
And again, she was on the pill. I thought it wouldn't be a problem. The pill has a 99.9% chance of preventing conception, and the fact that doctors told her that she's unable to conceive at all. Well them are pretty good odds. I'd the risk of conception was much lower than a condom breaking. Proved to not be the case.
Heh and aye, I hear you.I'm a bit touchy on this subject, personally I can handle it, but fromseeing first hand what it does to some people it's not a subject I'm happy to discuss. I for example had to sit through our ethics lessons about abortion, just a week after the abortion. Had to focus more on trying to keep her spirits up, rather than listening to the lessons. I've had better times.
Anyhow, the fact that it's on a public forum visited by thousands of different users just puts me on a bit of an edge. But it's personal,and whether I think it's right or not won't change much. Apologies if I seemed a little harsh, without reason of being so. I suppose it's the same for Christians and all the Christianity bashing.
But well, there are different scenarios to everything. I wouldn't pity a guy who brought a drunk girl home after a party mumbling something about "Don't worry, nothing will happen". I wouldn't say he has much of a right in the matter, but eh, the child would have to live through a very far from perfect life if it was born. So maybe abortion is the right answer here as well?
And I'm just writing and writing now, that'll do for this post.
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