...the only reason people are as outraged about it as they are is because it was a massacre not sanctioned by the state? If 18 children were murdered in a Pakistani schoolhouse by a drone, the mainstream media wouldn't report on it, and partially as a byproduct of this and a by product of what can only amount to statism, people would go about their daily lives not batting an eyelash. Statism has a horrifically dehumanizing effect on how we perceive other human beings that are not American. I felt sick to my stomach watching Obama hold back tears when giving an address on the matter. Real or fake, he's sanctioned the murder of more innocent lives overseas by drone attacks than any other president, and yet has the audacity to maintain through action that the lives lost overseas as a direct result of our country's incompetence are somehow not as important as those lost over here.
I'm not at all trying to devalue the situation in CT, not in the least. What happened yesterday was abhorrent, and we should all be sending our thoughts and prayers out to those affected or even in the community -- however, to apply such grief and issue such attention to this incident, and brush off the United States sanctioned murder that has been a trademark of both of the last two presidential candidates isn't only inconsistent, it's a borderline psychiatric disorder that has somehow slid under the table, and is recognized only by those most would call "anti-patriotic." I have nothing but love for my country, however, which is why I'm so concerned about the general lack of ethics with which we operate.
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