So I'm in my first year as a Media student and I finished 7/8 classes. The last class I failed miserably so I took it again. Doing class again, I had an assignment, this one was worth 40% of my mark. I ended up again a paultry score.
Here's the catch. I handed in my assignment with 3 out of 5 parts to it. I accidentally forgot to staple the other parts. I did send an e-copy to the lecturer on the same day (with everything) but he was still staunch in his position on the matter. To him I simply did not hand in a hard copy with all the work. Currently, this mark, is forcing me to gain something like 67%+ for the upcoming exam.
I've brought this up with the higher ups of the institution, and they so far don't seem to want to intervene against another lecturer, but there is still hope. Of course, it is in the lecturers right to stand by what he said, what he's done is fair and what I did was my fault.
I'm very likely going to fail this class twice, and once because of basic human error. This means, I would have taken, a further two semesters .... with only advancing in one single class. This is absolutely defeating to me, and its difficult to for me to accept it.
So my question to you is, if you were this lecturer, would you exercise leniency? Another question you might want to answer is, what should I do in this situation? Also, does anyone have any similar stories?
If I had an assignment that's 40% of my total grade, I'd put that at the top of my "absolutely do not screw up" list. I would make sure it got done and done properly, ready no later than the day before submission so I can do a last minute review/proof read.
You said you submitted an e-copy. But, you never mentioned submitting a hard copy of the missing parts. You never mentioned making an attempt to submit them to him or his office before the end of the school day. Most professors I've seen allowed me to submit a paper without penalty so long as they're still in the campus that same day. Surely you could've gone to a computer lab somewhere and printed out the missing parts. Heck. I'd go to Kinko's and pay for a hard copy if I have to.
I didnt know it was missing in the hard copy until i got my assignment back.That tells me you didn't check your hard copy prior to submission. You need to work on your organization and force yourself to get things done before submission day so you can have plenty of time to doublecheck the hardcopy. It sucks especially if you're loaded with courses. But, if you do it enough times, it becomes second nature.
Standard practice for me is to get my assignments/projects done no later than the day prior to submission. If I can submit it early and get it out of the way, so much the better especially if I'm backlogged with other assignments. Sometimes, I'll get a project and have a month to get it done. I'd get it done in two weeks and submit early (if the professor will let me) so I don't have to worry about it. I used to have the same problem as you chasing deadlines. I got tired of it and became more proactive.
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